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How to open a project in WebStorm, using the command line (Windows 10)

I would like to open WebStorm from the command line.

My goal is, when I have navigated to the right directory on my PC, to use a command, which opens the current directory as a project in WebStorm.

like image 559
Terkel Jungløw Avatar asked Oct 31 '16 10:10

Terkel Jungløw

1 Answers

The syntax to open a project from command line on Windows is path/to/WebStorm.exe path/to/your/project - see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/2016.2/working-with-webstorm-features-from-command-line.html#d279626e72. You can add %WebStorm installation directory%/bin to your system %PATH% to be able to run WebStorm using WebStorm command instead of entering a full path to exe.

To open current directory as a project, you can (in principle) just run WebStorm .. But this doesn't currently work (IDEA-108586). You can try using WebStorm.bat . instead

like image 154
lena Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 13:11
