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How to open a new window on button click in Cocoa Mac Application?





I want to know how to open a new window on button click in Cocoa Mac Programming. Help me. I am doing a mac application which needs to open a new mac window on particular button click.

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ShinuShajahan Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 05:04


3 Answers

If you want to create a separate class for New Window, these are the steps:

  1. Create a class which is a sub class of NSWindowController e.g. NewWindowController
  2. Create a window xib for NewWindowController class.
  3. On button click code as:

    NewWindowController *windowController = [[NewWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"You Window XIB Name"];
    [windowController showWindow:self];
like image 135
iPhoneDv Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 08:11


NSWindowController * wc=[[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"your_nib_name"];
[wc showWindow:self];
like image 22
Saurabh Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 08:11


Swift 3: In your storyboard go to WindowController -> Identity inspector -> storyBoardID: fill out: mainWindow. Then from your current viewcontroller link the button on the storyboard to the following method:

@IBAction func newWindow(_ sender: Any) {
    let myWindowController = self.storyboard!.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "mainWindow") as! NSWindowController
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Hans Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 08:11
