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How to open a default workspace when launching Visual Studio Code?

Software : Visual Studio Code

OS : macOS 10.14

Version : 1.28.2 (1.28.2)

I have a folder that I work on every time with VSC, no other requirements. I want to open this folder as a folder/workspace by default on launch of VSC so that I don't have to browse through and open that workspace again. How can I change settings/ write a script so that when I launch VSC, that workspace opens up automatically.

like image 716
WULF Avatar asked Nov 01 '18 16:11


1 Answers

Set the settings

"files.hotExit": "onExitAndWindowClose"
"window.restoreWindows": "folders"

Note if you launch VSC by a file in explorer, it will not open the file in your current workspace and the workspace information will be lost (you'll have to open the workspace manually again on saving)

like image 90
Slate Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11
