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How to open a aspx page as Modal popup

How to open a aspx page as Modal popup.

  1. Test.aspx should open like a modal popup.
  2. Let Test1.aspx has one button. On click it should populate Test.aspx page as Modal popup.

    Here is my button:

    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Fill Form in Popup" />

NOTE: Test.aspx : Normal aspx page but Test1.aspx: Parent page Contain master page.

like image 233
Sumanta Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 09:11


1 Answers

If you want to open this as jQuery model dialog, see this post

Otherwise, If you want to open this page in a Modal Dialog you can use the following code to open it up. This examples use window.showModalDialog method of javascript. To find details how to use you can refer here.

        function fnRandom(iModifier) {
          return parseInt(Math.random() * iModifier);

        function fnSetValues() {
          var oForm = document.getElementById('oForm');
          var iHeight = oForm.oHeight.options[oForm.oHeight.selectedIndex].text;

          if (iHeight.indexOf("Random") > -1) {
            iHeight = fnRandom(document.body.clientHeight);

          var sFeatures = "dialogHeight: " + iHeight + "px;";
          return sFeatures;

        function fnOpen() {
          var sFeatures = fnSetValues();
          window.showModalDialog("test.aspx", "", sFeatures)
like image 64
Arafat Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
