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How to one-off run @DataJpaTest against real database instead of in-memory with Spring Boot

I am using Spring Boot 1.4.3 and have a whole bunch of tests that are annotated with @DataJpaTest. By default, they run against an in-memory database. I would like to be able to run all of them against a local MySQL temporarily. How can I do this in an easy way?

I have found that I can make it work for one by adding @ActiveProfiles("local") where I have an application-local.properties that points to my local MySQL, but it is just too much work to add that everywhere, run the tests and then remove it again (since I only want to run this manually against MySQL, the CI environment will run against the in memory db).

I am using Maven if that would matter.


So I have an application-local.properties which contains the db properties to connect to my local MySQL database (Which I use already to run my application against the local MySQL)

Then I right-click in IntelliJ on a package and select "Run all tests in package". In the settings of that run configuration, I add -Dspring.profiles.active=local to the "VM options" field.

I would have thought that this would activate the local profile during the tests, but it does not. If I stop the local MySQL, the tests still run fine.

like image 350
Wim Deblauwe Avatar asked Jan 12 '17 13:01

Wim Deblauwe

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1 Answers

You can add the profile with the MySQL datasource properties in the same application.properties (or .yml) as:


# Existing properties

  profiles: h2
# More h2-related properties

  profiles: postgres
    driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver
    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/db_dvdrental
    username: user_dvdrental
    password: changeit
    database: POSTGRESQL
    generate-ddl: false
# More postgres-related properties

and either use @ActiveProfiles("postgres") in an integration test class or start teh container using VM argument as:

java -Dspring.profiles.active=h2 ...
like image 181
ootero Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
