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How to obtain country, state, city from reverseGeocodeCoordinate?


GMSReverseGeocodeResponse contains

- (GMSReverseGeocodeResult *)firstResult; 

whose definition is like:

@interface GMSReverseGeocodeResult : NSObject<NSCopying>  /** Returns the first line of the address. */ - (NSString *)addressLine1;  /** Returns the second line of the address. */ - (NSString *)addressLine2;  @end 

Is there any way to obtain the country, ISO country code, state (administrative_area_1 or corresponding one) from those two strings (valid for all the countries and all the addresses)?

NOTE: I tried to execute this piece of code

[[GMSGeocoder geocoder] reverseGeocodeCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(40.4375, -3.6818) completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse *resp, NSError *error)  {     NSLog( @"Error is %@", error) ;     NSLog( @"%@" , resp.firstResult.addressLine1 ) ;     NSLog( @"%@" , resp.firstResult.addressLine2 ) ;  } ] ; 

But for some reason the handler was never called. I did add the app key, and also added the iOS bundle id to the app key. No error is printed in the console. With this I mean I am not aware of the content of the lines.

like image 697
user2101384 Avatar asked Feb 23 '13 01:02


2 Answers

The simplest way is to upgrade to Version 1.7 of the Google Maps SDK for iOS (released February 2014).
From the release notes:

GMSGeocoder now provides structured addresses via GMSAddress, deprecating GMSReverseGeocodeResult.

From GMSAddress Class Reference, you can find these properties:

Location, or kLocationCoordinate2DInvalid if unknown.

Street number and name.

Locality or city.

Subdivision of locality, district or park.

Region/State/Administrative area.

Postal/Zip code.

The country name.

An array of NSString containing formatted lines of the address.

No ISO country code though.
Also note that some properties may return nil.

Here's a full example:

[[GMSGeocoder geocoder] reverseGeocodeCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(40.4375, -3.6818) completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse* response, NSError* error) {     NSLog(@"reverse geocoding results:");     for(GMSAddress* addressObj in [response results])     {         NSLog(@"coordinate.latitude=%f", addressObj.coordinate.latitude);         NSLog(@"coordinate.longitude=%f", addressObj.coordinate.longitude);         NSLog(@"thoroughfare=%@", addressObj.thoroughfare);         NSLog(@"locality=%@", addressObj.locality);         NSLog(@"subLocality=%@", addressObj.subLocality);         NSLog(@"administrativeArea=%@", addressObj.administrativeArea);         NSLog(@"postalCode=%@", addressObj.postalCode);         NSLog(@"country=%@", addressObj.country);         NSLog(@"lines=%@", addressObj.lines);     } }]; 

and its output:

coordinate.latitude=40.437500 coordinate.longitude=-3.681800 thoroughfare=(null) locality=(null) subLocality=(null) administrativeArea=Community of Madrid postalCode=(null) country=Spain lines=(     "",     "Community of Madrid, Spain" ) 

Alternatively, you may consider using Reverse Geocoding in the The Google Geocoding API (example).

like image 162
Pang Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09


Answer in Swift

Using Google Maps iOS SDK (currently using the V1.9.2 you cannot specify the language in which to return results):

@IBAction func googleMapsiOSSDKReverseGeocoding(sender: UIButton) {     let aGMSGeocoder: GMSGeocoder = GMSGeocoder()     aGMSGeocoder.reverseGeocodeCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(self.latitude, self.longitude)) {         (let gmsReverseGeocodeResponse: GMSReverseGeocodeResponse!, let error: NSError!) -> Void in          let gmsAddress: GMSAddress = gmsReverseGeocodeResponse.firstResult()         print("\ncoordinate.latitude=\(gmsAddress.coordinate.latitude)")         print("coordinate.longitude=\(gmsAddress.coordinate.longitude)")         print("thoroughfare=\(gmsAddress.thoroughfare)")         print("locality=\(gmsAddress.locality)")         print("subLocality=\(gmsAddress.subLocality)")         print("administrativeArea=\(gmsAddress.administrativeArea)")         print("postalCode=\(gmsAddress.postalCode)")         print("country=\(gmsAddress.country)")         print("lines=\(gmsAddress.lines)")     } } 

Using Google Reverse Geocoding API V3 (currently you can specify the language in which to return results):

@IBAction func googleMapsWebServiceGeocodingAPI(sender: UIButton) {     self.callGoogleReverseGeocodingWebservice(self.currentUserLocation()) }  // #1 - Get the current user's location (latitude, longitude). private func currentUserLocation() -> CLLocationCoordinate2D {     // returns current user's location.  }  // #2 - Call Google Reverse Geocoding Web Service using AFNetworking. private func callGoogleReverseGeocodingWebservice(let userLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D) {     let url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=\(userLocation.latitude),\(userLocation.longitude)&key=\(self.googleMapsiOSAPIKey)&language=\(self.googleReverseGeocodingWebserviceOutputLanguageCode)&result_type=country"      AFHTTPRequestOperationManager().GET(         url,         parameters: nil,         success: { (operation: AFHTTPRequestOperation!, responseObject: AnyObject!) in             println("GET user's country request succeeded !!!\n")              // The goal here was only for me to get the user's iso country code +              // the user's Country in english language.             if let responseObject: AnyObject = responseObject {                 println("responseObject:\n\n\(responseObject)\n\n")                 let rootDictionary = responseObject as! NSDictionary                 if let results = rootDictionary["results"] as? NSArray {                     if let firstResult = results[0] as? NSDictionary {                         if let addressComponents = firstResult["address_components"] as? NSArray {                             if let firstAddressComponent = addressComponents[0] as? NSDictionary {                                 if let longName = firstAddressComponent["long_name"] as? String {                                     println("long_name: \(longName)")                                 }                                 if let shortName = firstAddressComponent["short_name"] as? String {                                     println("short_name: \(shortName)")                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 }             }         },         failure: { (operation: AFHTTPRequestOperation!, error: NSError!) in             println("Error GET user's country request: \(error.localizedDescription)\n")             println("Error GET user's country request: \(operation.responseString)\n")         }     )  } 

I hope this code snippet and explanation will help future readers.

like image 23
King-Wizard Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
