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How to obtain a Thread id in Python?

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How do I get the thread ID in Python?

In Python 3.8+, you can use threading. get_native_id() function to obtain the thread ID. threading. get_native_id() returns the thread ID of the current thread as assigned by the kernel of a native operating system.

How do I get thread ID?

The pthread_self() function is used to get the ID of the current thread. This function can uniquely identify the existing threads. But if there are multiple threads, and one thread is completed, then that id can be reused. So for all running threads, the ids are unique.

What is a thread ID?

Thread Id is a long positive integer that is created when the thread was created. During the entire lifecycle of a thread, the thread ID is unique and remains unchanged. It can be reused when the thread is terminated.

How do you check the status of a thread in Python?

is_alive() method is an inbuilt method of the Thread class of the threading module in Python. It uses a Thread object, and checks whether that thread is alive or not, ie, it is still running or not. This method returns True before the run() starts until just after the run() method is executed.

threading.get_ident() works, or threading.current_thread().ident (or threading.currentThread().ident for Python < 2.6).

Using the logging module you can automatically add the current thread identifier in each log entry. Just use one of these LogRecord mapping keys in your logger format string:

%(thread)d : Thread ID (if available).

%(threadName)s : Thread name (if available).

and set up your default handler with it:


The thread.get_ident() function returns a long integer on Linux. It's not really a thread id.

I use this method to really get the thread id on Linux:

import ctypes
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')

# System dependent, see e.g. /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_64.h
SYS_gettid = 186

def getThreadId():
   """Returns OS thread id - Specific to Linux"""
   return libc.syscall(SYS_gettid)

This functionality is now supported by Python 3.8+ :)

You can now use: threading.get_native_id()



You can get the ident of the current running thread. The ident could be reused for other threads, if the current thread ends.

When you crate an instance of Thread, a name is given implicit to the thread, which is the pattern: Thread-number

The name has no meaning and the name don't have to be unique. The ident of all running threads is unique.

import threading

def worker():

threading.Thread(target=worker, name='foo').start()

The function threading.current_thread() returns the current running thread. This object holds the whole information of the thread.

I saw examples of thread IDs like this:

class myThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter):
        self.threadID = threadID

The threading module docs lists name attribute as well:


A thread has a name. 
The name can be passed to the constructor, 
and read or changed through the name attribute.



A string used for identification purposes only. 
It has no semantics. Multiple threads may
be given the same name. The initial name is set by the constructor.