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How to obtain a long lasting Facebook Access Token?

Main objective: How can I get an access token with unlimited validity for a facebook app?

Background information

We have a FB app called MyApp with the following set up:

  • MyApp is authorized to interact with our facebook app
  • MyApp has access rights to manage our pages (manage_pages)
  • MyApp has access to Insights (read_insights)

Our goal is to extract the Insights data automatically, e.g. once every night.

Attempt with oauth generated app token

  1. Get APP_ACCESS_TOKEN belonging to MyAPP


    example of retireved token: 328467452729456598|Wn2Gt69Ofg5ySdOGa3TsP2p4R

  2. Use APP_ACCESS_TOKEN to get PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN for each page graph.facebook.com/me/accounts?access_token=APP_ACCESS_TOKEN

  3. Use PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN to get the page’s Insights data: graph.facebook.com/YOUR_APP_ID/insights?access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN

My problem is that the APP_ACCESS_TOKEN I get from step 1 seems to be missing the user part of the token, resulting in the following error when running step 2:

 "message": "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",
 "type": "OAuthException",
 "code": 2500

Attempt with token retrieved from Graph Explorer API token

If I use the APP_ACCESS_TOKEN gained through the Graph API Explorer (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer), I get a token with the user part that is significantly longer. If I use this token in step 2 and 3, I get correct data, but all tokens are only valid for 2 hours, and subsequently I cannot use this for automated retrieval of insights data.

Attempt with exchanging short lived token for long lived token

Following the steps outlined in this guide: https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/#page_access_token, I tried to exchange a short lived token for a longer lived one.

If I use try to exchange the token obtained from the oauth process, I get the error:

  "message": "No user access token specified",
  "type": "OAuthException",
  "code": 1

If I use the token obtained manually from the Graph explorer in the exchange method, I can get the other steps to work as well, but for how long does this new token last? If the token expires after x days or after the some other event, I would still be faced with the issue of obtaining the initial token programatically (as opposed to manually every from the Graph Explorer).

So does anyone know how I can get a long-lived, automatically retrieved token to solve this?


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user1597852 Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 15:08


People also ask

How do you get a long live access token on Facebook?

At a high level, you obtain a long-lived token for the client by: Using a valid, long-lived access token, your server sends a request to get a code from Facebook. Facebook sends a code back to your server and you securely send this code to the client.

How do I get Facebook access token that never expires?

If you want to make sure your Facebook page access token never expires, click “Debug” button. If you can see “expires: never”, it means Facebook page access token will never expire.

How long do Facebook access tokens last?

When your app uses Facebook Login to authenticate someone, it receives a User access token. If your app uses one of the Facebook SDKs, this token lasts for about 60 days. However, the SDKs automatically refresh the token whenever the person uses your app, so the tokens expire 60 days after last use.

1 Answers

This shell script attempts to help generate access tokens:


like image 196
Dave Cohen Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 04:11

Dave Cohen