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how to obfucate dependant .jar in Proguard?

I have a Jar library called BizLogic.jar and I am referring to it on my UI project. So when I obfuscate, I want to obfuscate BizLogic.jar first and then UI without breaking any references between them?

Is this possible with Proguard ? If not, Any other product that can support this ?


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kakopappa Avatar asked Feb 14 '11 11:02


1 Answers

The most robust solution would be to process both jars at the same time, but to keep the output in separate jars:

-injars  UI.jar
-outjars UI_processed.jar
-injars  BizLogic.jar
-outjars BizLogic_out.jar

or with an output directory

-injars  UI.jar
-injars  BizLogic.jar
-outjars out

The UI code and the business code will then be consistent.

Alternatively, you can apply incremental obfuscation:

1) First process BizLogic.jar with these additional options:

-printmapping BizJar.map

2) Then process UI.jar with this additional option:

-applymapping BizJar.map

Incremental obfuscation is more complex and sometimes tricky to get right.

All this and more is explained in the ProGuard manual.

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Eric Lafortune Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10

Eric Lafortune