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How to NOT close keyboard when DONE on keyboard is pressed

When the user presses "Done" on the soft keyboard, the keyboard closes. I want it so that it will only close if a certain condition is true (eg. the password was entered correctly).

This is my code (sets up a listener for when the "Done" button is pressed):

final EditText et = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.et);
et.setOnEditorActionListener(new OnEditorActionListener() 
   public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event)
         if (et.getText().toString().equals(password)) // they entered correct
             // log them in
             // bring up the keyboard

             Toast.makeText(Main.this, "Incorrect.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      return false;

I realize that the reason this doesn't work is probably because it runs this code before it actually closes the soft keyboard on its own, but that's why I need help. I don't know another way.

A possible topic for answers could be working with:

activityRootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() { 

and that sort of thing, but I don't know for sure.


EditText et = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.et);
et.setOnEditorActionListener(new OnEditorActionListener() 
  public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event)
       if (et.getText().toString().equals(password)) // they entered correct
           // log them in
           return false; // close the keyboard
           Toast.makeText(Main.this, "Incorrect.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
           return true; // keep the keyboard up
    // if you don't have the return statements in the if structure above, you
    // could put return true; here to always keep the keyboard up when the "DONE"
    // action is pressed. But with the return statements above, it doesn't matter
    return false; // or return true
like image 776
Michael Yaworski Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 20:10

Michael Yaworski

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1 Answers

if your return true from your onEditorAction method, action is not going to be handled again. In this case you can return true to not hide keyboard when action is EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE.

like image 99
Devrim Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
