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How to negate a boolean expression when using the elvis operator in kotlin?



I want to negate the following expression:

return SpUtils.loadEMail()?.isEmpty() ?: false

If i add a ! before the expression, like

return !SpUtils.loadEMail()?.isEmpty() ?: false

The IDE(Android Studio) tells me

Only safe (?.) or non-null asserted (!!.) calls are allowed on a nullable receiver of type kotlin.Boolean?

How do I negate this kinds of expressions?

like image 740
Lukas Lechner Avatar asked Dec 17 '15 10:12

Lukas Lechner

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1 Answers

You have problem with nullable reference.


This code produces value of type Boolean? that's mean expression can return an instance of Boolean or null.

I suggest following code to solve your problem:

return !(SpUtils().loadEMail()?.isEmpty() ?: false);

You trying negate Boolean? instead of Boolean, that elvis operator returns!

like image 159
Ruslan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09
