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How to multi insert rows in cassandra

What is the most efficient way of inserting multiple rows in cassandra column family. Is it possible to do this in a single call.

Right now my approach is to addinsert multiple column and then execute. There in a single call I am persisting one row. I am looking for strategy so that I can do a batch insert.

like image 729
ajjain Avatar asked Jul 26 '13 15:07


People also ask

What is batch in Cassandra?

In Cassandra BATCH is used to execute multiple modification statements (insert, update, delete) simultaneously. It is very useful when you have to update some column as well as delete some of the existing.

How many columns can Cassandra have?

Cassandra allows 2 billion columns per row.

1 Answers

CQL contains a BEGIN BATCH...APPLY BATCH statement that allows you to group multiple inserts so that a developer can create and execute a series of requests (see http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/client-side-improvements-in-cassandra-2-0).

The following worked for me (Scala):

PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(
"INSERT INTO messages (user_id, msg_id, title, body) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" +    
"INSERT INTO messages (user_id, msg_id, title, body) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" +    
"INSERT INTO messages (user_id, msg_id, title, body) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" +    

session.execute(ps.bind(uid, mid1, title1, body1, uid, mid2, title2, body2, uid, mid3, title3, body3));

If you don't know in advance which statements you want to execute, you can use the following syntax (Scala):

var statement: PreparedStatement = session.prepare("INSERT INTO people (name,age) VALUES (?,?)")
var boundStatement = new BoundStatement(statement)
val batchStmt = new BatchStatement()
batchStmt.add(boundStatement.bind("User A", "10"))
batchStmt.add(boundStatement.bind("User B", "12"))

Note: BatchStatement can only hold up to 65536 statements. I learned that the hard way. :-)

like image 138
Priyank Desai Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Priyank Desai