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how to move tables from public to other schema in Postgres

Postgres 9.1 database contains tables yksus1 .. ykssu9 in public schema. pgAdmin shows those definitions as in code below. How to move those tables to firma1 schema ?

Other tables in firma1 schema have foreign key references to those table primay keys. Foreign key references to those tables are only from tables in firma1 schema.

Some of those tables contain data. If tables is moved to firma1 schema, foreign key references shouuld also be updated to firma1.yksusn tables. Table structures cannot changed.

It looks like primary key sequences are already in firma1 schema so those should not moved. Version string PostgreSQL 9.1.2 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc-4.4.real (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5, 64-bit

CREATE TABLE yksus1 (   yksus character(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((nextval('firma1.yksus1_yksus_seq'::regclass))::text || '_'::text),   veebis ebool,   nimetus character(70),   "timestamp" character(14) DEFAULT to_char(now(), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'::text),   username character(10) DEFAULT "current_user"(),   klient character(40),   superinden character(20),   telefon character(10),   aadress character(50),   tlnr character(15),   rus character(60),   CONSTRAINT yksus1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (yksus) ); ALTER TABLE yksus1   OWNER TO mydb_owner;  CREATE TRIGGER yksus1_trig   BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE   ON yksus1   FOR EACH STATEMENT   EXECUTE PROCEDURE setlastchange(); 

other tables are similar:

CREATE TABLE yksus2 (   yksus character(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((nextval('firma1.yksus2_yksus_seq'::regclass))::text || '_'::text),   nimetus character(70),   "timestamp" character(14) DEFAULT to_char(now(), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'::text),   osakond character(10),   username character(10) DEFAULT "current_user"(),   klient character(40),   superinden character(20),   telefon character(10),   aadress character(50),   tlnr character(15),   rus character(60),   CONSTRAINT yksus2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (yksus),   CONSTRAINT yksus2_osakond_fkey FOREIGN KEY (osakond)       REFERENCES yksus2 (yksus) MATCH SIMPLE       ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ); ALTER TABLE yksus2   OWNER TO mydb_owner;  CREATE TRIGGER yksus2_trig   BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE   ON yksus2   FOR EACH STATEMENT   EXECUTE PROCEDURE setlastchange(); 
like image 861
Andrus Avatar asked Jul 21 '13 07:07


People also ask

How do I move a table to another schema in PostgreSQL?

To change the schema or tablespace of a table, you must also have CREATE privilege on the new schema or tablespace. To add the table as a new child of a parent table, you must own the parent table as well. Also, to attach a table as a new partition of the table, you must own the table being attached.

How do I move a table from one schema to another schema?

To change the schema of a table by using SQL Server Management Studio, in Object Explorer, right-click on the table and then click Design. Press F4 to open the Properties window. In the Schema box, select a new schema. ALTER SCHEMA uses a schema level lock.

How do I transfer data from one schema to another?

In SQL Management studio right click the database that has the source table, select Tasks -> Export data. You will be able to set source and destination server and schema, select the tables you wish to copy and you can have the destination schema create the tables that will be exported.

What is the best way to transfer the data in a PostgreSQL?

If you really have two distinct PostgreSQL databases, the common way of transferring data from one to another would be to export your tables (with pg_dump -t ) to a file, and import them into the other database (with psql ).

1 Answers

ALTER TABLE yksus1     SET SCHEMA firma1; 

More details in the manual: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-altertable.html

Associated indexes, constraints, and sequences owned by table columns are moved as well.

Not sure about the trigger function though, but there is an equivalent ALTER FUNCTION .. SET SCHEMA ... as well.

like image 56
a_horse_with_no_name Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10
