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How to move svn folder one level up

I need to move svn folder to one level up and keep all history

All files and directories from https://myserver.com/svn/Project/trunk/ into https://myserver/svn/Project/

I use a command:

svn move https://myserver.com/svn/Project/trunk/ https://myserver/svn/Project/

but it says:

svn: Cannot move path 'https://myserver.com/svn/Project/trunk/' into itself

Who knows how can I resolve that problem? Thanks!

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ihorko Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 18:09


People also ask

How do I clean up a .svn folder?

According to this answer and SVN change log, svn cleanup has an option to vacuum pristine copies ( /vacuum ). This is done by default starting from 1.8. From version 1.10 up it is not longer done by default, but can be run using the command svn cleanup --vacuum-pristines (see this answer).

5 Answers

I was just looking for this as well. Then I started looking for a solution and I didn't really find one, except that it did make me think of a solution.

You'd expect the command svn mv ./folder ./ to move everything from the ./folder to ./. This isn't actually true, it'll move folder into the current directory. Since this is where it already is, the command fails.

So, the solution would be to move everything inside ./folder to ./. Indeed, the following command does just that:

svn mv ./folder/* ./

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Joost Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10


If you are willing to use TortoiseSVN then you can simply move the folder with the repository browser. That is how I usually move folders around, very simple and painless.

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Stefan Egli Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Stefan Egli

I don;t know if you can move it that way, personally I would checkout repository, move folder in filesystem and then commit changes, deleting it at one location and adding at another.

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Tomasz Kowalczyk Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10

Tomasz Kowalczyk


svn switch --relocate https://myserver.com/svn/Project/trunk/ https://myserver/svn/Project/

Please test this in a seperate repository before you run it on your real one!

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Nix Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10


I ran into a similar issue today but I didn't know how to move it up from tortoise, since I also had settings for that folder.

If the new location https://myserver/svn/Project/ should have only the items from your old location, here is what I did:

  • Moved https://myserver.com/svn/Project/trunk/ to a new temporary location (e.g. https://myserver/svn/TempProject/);

  • Deleted the existing location you want to use (https://myserver/svn/Project/);

  • Renamed https://myserver/svn/TempProject/ to https://myserver/svn/Project/.

This worked for me. It preserved all history, svn settings, etc. The history just got a couple new entries from all the moving around thing.

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fasfsfgs Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10
