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How to mount local volumes in docker machine

I am trying to use docker-machine with docker-compose. The file docker-compose.yml has definitions as follows:

web:   build: .   command: ./run_web.sh   volumes:     - .:/app   ports:     - "8000:8000"   links:     - db:db     - rabbitmq:rabbit     - redis:redis 

When running docker-compose up -d all goes well until trying to execute the command and an error is produced:

Cannot start container b58e2dfa503b696417c1c3f49e2714086d4e9999bd71915a53502cb6ef43936d: [8] System error: exec: "./run_web.sh": stat ./run_web.sh: no such file or directory

Local volumes are not mounted to the remote machine. Whats the recommended strategy to mount the local volumes with the webapps' code?

like image 980
jdcaballerov Avatar asked May 04 '15 21:05


People also ask

How do I mount a local drive to a docker container?

How to Mount Local Directories using docker run -v. Using the parameter -v allows you to bind a local directory. -v or --volume allows you to mount local directories and files to your container. For example, you can start a MySQL database and mount the data directory to store the actual data in your mounted directory.

How do I mount a volume in running docker container?

Cloning From An Existing Container But, if you do need to add a volume to a running container, you can use docker commit to make a new image based on that container, and then clone it with the new volume. Then, you can run the new image, replacing the old image with the cloned one.

Can you mount a docker volume on the host?

You can mount host volumes by using the -v flag and specifying the name of the host directory. Everything within the host directory is then available in the container. What's more, all the data generated inside the container and placed in the data volume is safely stored on the host directory.

1 Answers

Docker-machine automounts the users directory... But sometimes that just isn't enough.

I don't know about docker 1.6, but in 1.8 you CAN add an additional mount to docker-machine

Add Virtual Machine Mount Point (part 1)

CLI: (Only works when machine is stopped)

VBoxManage sharedfolder add <machine name/id> --name <mount_name> --hostpath <host_dir> --automount

So an example in windows would be

/c/Program\ Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe sharedfolder add default --name e --hostpath 'e:\' --automount 

GUI: (does NOT require the machine be stopped)

  1. Start "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager"
  2. Right-Click <machine name> (default)
  3. Settings...
  4. Shared Folders
  5. The Folder+ Icon on the Right (Add Share)
  6. Folder Path: <host dir> (e:)
  7. Folder Name: <mount name> (e)
  8. Check on "Auto-mount" and "Make Permanent" (Read only if you want...) (The auto-mount is sort of pointless currently...)

Mounting in boot2docker (part 2)

Manually mount in boot2docker:

  1. There are various ways to log in, use "Show" in "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager", or ssh/putty into docker by IP address docker-machine ip default, etc...
  2. sudo mkdir -p <local_dir>
  3. sudo mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` <mount_name> <local_dir>

But this is only good until you restart the machine, and then the mount is lost...

Adding an automount to boot2docker:

While logged into the machine

  1. Edit/create (as root) /mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker/bootlocal.sh, sda1 may be different for you...
  2. Add

    mkdir -p <local_dir> mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` <mount_name> <local_dir> 

With these changes, you should have a new mount point. This is one of the few files I could find that is called on boot and is persistent. Until there is a better solution, this should work.

Old method: Less recommended, but left as an alternative

  • Edit (as root) /mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker/profile, sda1 may be different for you...
  • Add

    add_mount() {   if ! grep -q "try_mount_share $1 $2" /etc/rc.d/automount-shares ; then     echo "try_mount_share $1 $2" >> /etc/rc.d/automount-shares   fi }  add_mount <local dir> <mount name> 

As a last resort, you can take the slightly more tedious alternative, and you can just modify the boot image.

  • git -c core.autocrlf=false clone https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker.git
  • cd boot2docker
  • git -c core.autocrlf=false checkout v1.8.1 #or your appropriate version
  • Edit rootfs/etc/rc.d/automount-shares
  • Add try_mount_share <local_dir> <mount_name> line right before fi at the end. For example

    try_mount_share /e e 

    Just be sure not to set the to anything the os needs, like /bin, etc...

  • docker build -t boot2docker . #This will take about an hour the first time :(
  • docker run --rm boot2docker > boot2docker.iso
  • Backup the old boot2docker.iso and copy your new one in its place, in ~/.docker/machine/machines/

This does work, it's just long and complicated

docker version 1.8.1, docker-machine version 0.4.0

like image 134
Andy Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09
