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How to modify a MP3 metadata and save by Node.js? [closed]

I want to achieve below goals:

  • Read a MP3 metadata
  • Modify the encoding of that metadata (if I could modify the content of that metadata, that would be better)
  • Save the modification to that MP3 file

All these operations could be based on native Node.js (without browser). Is there any module provide such function or I can develop based on?

like image 459
Zation Avatar asked Jul 12 '13 16:07


People also ask

Can you edit MP3 metadata?

Lastly, if you have iTunes you'll be able to do some basic editing of metadata on an mp3 file. First load the program and either load the file you want or find it from your iTunes library and select it. Select 'get info' and make your adjustments to the intended elements.

Can audio metadata be edited?

You can edit your own music and movies though. So if you copy your music to computer for use on your devices, you can manually edit that metadata. There are a few tools around that allow you to edit MP3 or MP4 metadata.

1 Answers

For those coming to this question through Google, there is a node module that can do this, both read and write metadata: https://www.npmjs.org/package/ffmetadata

like image 194
mspisars Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
