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How to modifie the standard path of MySQL Workbench which points to where Backups shall be stored?

At the moment each time I want to make a dump of a database by MySQL Workbench it shows me this standard path as default:

/home/me/dumps/Dump20110810 # The date alters.

Since I have moved my dumps to a more suitable place (for me) it is getting annoying to change the path each time I want to dump something. I'd really like to have a setting option to not only give MySQL Workbench an other default path but perhaps turn the new template into something like:


I poked arround in the settings but I couldn't find any switches for that. Perhaps someone more skilled with the Workbench knows how to alter this behavior?

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Aufwind Avatar asked Aug 10 '11 09:08


1 Answers

The setting for the import/export folder is set by using the file menu Edit --> Preferences... --> Administrator ---> Export Directory Path

Restart MySQL Workbench for the changes to take effect.

There seems to be a bug which causes only the import folder to be updated, but if you also specify the folder path in the Data Export tool.

  • Export to Dump Project Folder

Then it should work

Or update to MySQL Workbench 5.2.38 CE. In this version the bug mentioned above is fixed

like image 85
Kman Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09
