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How to model cycles between immutable class instances?

Immutable classes are great but there is one big problem i cant think of a sensible way to solve - cycles.

class Friend {
   Set<Friend> friends();

How does one model Me having You as a friend who in turn has me as a Friend back ?

IMMUTABILITY This class from the outside world should definitely be immutable. The value held internally should be constant for the purposes of equality checks.

like image 962
mP. Avatar asked Jan 29 '11 01:01


1 Answers

[[[ Edit: Added code to demonstrate fully immutable concept ]]]

That's why builders are so nice for immutables - they allow mutability during construction to get everything set before you "freeze" it. In this case, I guess you need a Friend builder that supports creating cycles.

final FriendBuilder john = new FriendBuilder().setName("john");
final FriendBuilder mary = new FriendBuilder().setName("mary");
final FriendBuilder susan = new FriendBuilder().setName("susan");

// okay lets build the immutable Friends
Map<Friend> friends = FriendsBuilder.createCircleOfFriends(john, mary, susan);
Friend immutableJohn = friends.get("john");

Edit: Added immutable example below to demonstrate approach:

  • There was some discussion in the comments about whether an immutable version was possible.

  • Fields are final and immutable. A modifiable set is used in the constructor, but it only the unmodifiable reference is kept after construction.

  • I have another version that uses Guava ImmutableSet for a truly immutable set rather than JDK's unmodifiable wrapper. It works the same, but uses Guava's nice set builder.


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Note: potentially cycle graph - be careful of deep equals/hashCode/toString/etc.
 * Immutable
public class Friend {

    public static class Builder {

        private final String name;
        private final Set<Builder> friends =
            new HashSet<Builder>();

        Builder(final String name) {
            this.name = name;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public Set<Builder> getFriends() {
            return friends;

        void likes(final Builder... newFriends) {
            for (final Builder newFriend : newFriends)

        public Map<String, Friend> createCircleOfFriends() {
            final IdentityHashMap<Builder, Friend> existing =
                new IdentityHashMap<Builder, Friend>();

            // Creating one friend creates the graph
            new Friend(this, existing);
            // after the call existingNodes contains all the nodes in the graph

            // Create map of the all nodes
            final Map<String, Friend> map =
                new HashMap<String, Friend>(existing.size(), 1f);
            for (final Friend current : existing.values()) {
                map.put(current.getName(), current);

            return map;

    final String name;
    final Set<Friend> friends;

    private Friend(
            final Builder builder,
            final Map<Builder, Friend> existingNodes) {
        this.name = builder.getName();

        existingNodes.put(builder, this);

        final IdentityHashMap<Friend, Friend> friends =
            new IdentityHashMap<Friend, Friend>();
        for (final Builder current : builder.getFriends()) {
            Friend immutableCurrent = existingNodes.get(current);
            if (immutableCurrent == null) {
                immutableCurrent =
                    new Friend(current, existingNodes);
            friends.put(immutableCurrent, immutableCurrent);

        this.friends = Collections.unmodifiableSet(friends.keySet());

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Set<Friend> getFriends() {
        return friends;

    /** Create string - prints links, but does not traverse them */
    public String toString() {
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("Friend ").append(System.identityHashCode(this)).append(" {\n");
        sb.append("  name = ").append(getName()).append("\n");
        sb.append("  links = {").append("\n");
        for (final Friend friend : getFriends()) {
            .append("     ")
            .append(" (")
        sb.append("  }\n");
        return sb.toString();

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final Friend.Builder john = new Friend.Builder("john");
        final Friend.Builder mary = new Friend.Builder("mary");
        final Friend.Builder susan = new Friend.Builder("susan");
          .likes(mary, susan);
           .likes(susan, john);

        // okay lets build the immutable Friends
        final Map<String, Friend> friends = john.createCircleOfFriends();

        for(final Friend friend : friends.values()) {

        final Friend immutableJohn = friends.get("john");


Node 11423854 {
  value = john
  links = {
     susan (19537476)
     mary (2704014)
Node 2704014 {
  value = mary
  links = {
     susan (19537476)
     john (11423854)
Node 19537476 {
  value = susan
  links = {
     john (11423854)
like image 151
Bert F Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09

Bert F