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how to mock resultset and populate it using Mockito in Java

I have code where I populate Resultset with CallableStatement.executeQuery(). I have mocked ResultSet and CallableStatement but in order to test the method i have to populate ResultSet.

Here is the code from the method I am testing

ResultSet rset = cs.executeQuery(); while (rset.next()) { IndexVolatilityImpl tsImpl = new IndexVolatilityImpl(); tsImpl.setTradeDate(rset.getString("trade_date")); tsImpl.setTradeTime(rset.getString("trade_time")); tsImpl.setExprDate(rset.getString("expr_date")); tsImpl.setSymbol(rset.getString("symbol")); tsImpl.setTradePrice(rset.getDouble("trade_price")); tsImpl.setContractMonth(rset.getString("contract_month")); tsImpl.setMilliSecs(rset.getString("trade_time_thou")); colIndexVolatilityImpl.add(tsImpl); 

I have mocked the CallableStatement and ResultSet now since they are mocked my rset comes up empty. I would like to populate Resultset and doing it as below

resultSetMock = Mockito.mock(ResultSet.class); Mockito.when(resultSetMock.getString("trade_date")).thenReturn("03/10/2011"); Mockito.when(resultSetMock.getString("trade_time")).thenReturn("12:24:56"); Mockito.when(resultSetMock.getString("expr_date")).thenReturn("03/19/2011"); Mockito.when(resultSetMock.getString("symbol")).thenReturn("VIX1"); Mockito.when(resultSetMock.getDouble("trade_price")).thenReturn(Double.valueOf("20.96")); Mockito.when(resultSetMock.getString("contract_month")).thenReturn("1"); Mockito.when(resultSetMock.getString("trade_time_thou")).thenReturn("165");  Mockito.doReturn(resultSetMock).when(callableStatementMock).executeQuery(); 

But rset is null.

like image 971
Tejas Shah Avatar asked Jun 07 '11 15:06

Tejas Shah

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1 Answers

You should also mock the next() method to have it return true the first time it's called, as mockito will return false by default.

like image 155
proactif Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
