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How to Mock a Google API Library with Python 3.7 for Unit Testing

I'm trying to create a set of Unit Tests to test the Google Client Library for Bigquery. I'm struggling to make a Unittest file which will mock the client and will let me test my inputs. I've provided a simple script with some set functionality to return a list of Tables that belong to the DataSet.

Would somebody show me a sample example of mocking the Google Client Library as the documentation I have found @ https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-python/blob/master/bigquery/tests/unit/test_client.py is not directly interacting with the methods of the code, so I am unable to apply it to my code.

Appreciate any ideas or ways to achieve this, I can't seem to find anywhere on Stack Overflow documenting this problem.


from google.cloud import bigquery

def get_dataset():
    client = bigquery.Client.from_service_account_json('some_client_secret.json')

    dataset_id = 'some_project.some_dataset'

    dataset = client.get_dataset(dataset_id)

    full_dataset_id = "{}.{}".format(dataset.project, dataset.dataset_id)
    friendly_name = dataset.friendly_name
        "Got dataset '{}' with friendly_name '{}'.".format(
            full_dataset_id, friendly_name

    # View dataset properties
    print("Description: {}".format(dataset.description))
    labels = dataset.labels
    if labels:
        for label, value in labels.items():
            print("\t{}: {}".format(label, value))
        print("\tDataset has no labels defined.")

    # View tables in dataset
    tables = list(client.list_tables(dataset))  # API request(s)
    if tables:
        for table in tables:
        print("\tThis dataset does not contain any tables.")
like image 912
Py.Jordan Avatar asked Sep 05 '19 15:09


People also ask

Can you mock a module Python?

mock is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. unittest. mock provides a core Mock class removing the need to create a host of stubs throughout your test suite.

2 Answers

It took a fair amount of Googling, and trial and error, to figure out how to do this, and I just got it working, so I thought it was worth sharing.

unittest provides patch which allows you to mock a function at the point of use, ie. replace a Google API call in your code under test, and mock, which allows you to further customise the result of accessing attributes and calling functions on that mock.

The unittest docs explaining patching here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock.html#where-to-patch

This does explain how it works, but the best explanation I found in order to understand how to do this properly is: http://alexmarandon.com/articles/python_mock_gotchas/

Here is a Python script to be tested, mocking_google.py, containing references to Google Storage and BigQuery APIs:

from google.cloud.bigquery import Client as bigqueryClient
from google.cloud.storage import Client as storageClient

def list_blobs():

    storage_client = storageClient(project='test')

    blobs = storage_client.list_blobs('bucket', prefix='prefix')

    return blobs

def extract_table():

    bigquery_client = bigqueryClient(project='test')

    job = bigquery_client.extract_table('project.dataset.table_id', destination_uris='uri')

    return job

Here is the unit test:

import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch

from src.data.mocking_google import list_blobs, extract_table

def extract_result():
    'Mock extract_job result with properties needed'
    er = Mock()
    er.return_value = 1
    return er

def extract_job(extract_result):
    'Mock extract_job with properties needed'
    ej = Mock()
    ej.job_id = 1
    ej.result.return_value = 2
    return ej

def test_list_blobs(storageClient):

    storageClient().list_blobs.return_value = [1,2]

    blob_list = list_blobs()

    storageClient().list_blobs.assert_called_with('bucket', prefix='prefix')
    assert blob_list == [1,2]

def test_extract_table(bigqueryClient,extract_job):

    bigqueryClient().extract_table.return_value = extract_job

    job = extract_table()

    bigqueryClient().extract_table.assert_called_with('project.dataset.table_id', destination_uris='uri')
    assert job.job_id == 1
    assert job.result() == 2

Here is the test results:

pytest -v src/tests/data/test_mocking_google.py============================================================ test session starts =============================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.6, pytest-5.3.5, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/gaya/.local/share/virtualenvs/autoencoder-recommendation-copy-zpYZ6J1x/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/gaya/Documents/GitHub/mlops-autoencoder-recommendation, inifile: tox.ini
plugins: cov-2.8.1
collected 2 items                                                                                                                            

src/tests/data/test_mocking_google.py::test_list_blobs PASSED                                                                          [ 50%]
src/tests/data/test_mocking_google.py::test_extract_table PASSED                                                                       [100%]

============================================================= 2 passed in 1.14s ==============================================================

Happy to explain further if how this works is not clear :)

like image 169
pink spikyhairman Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

pink spikyhairman

I also find it hard to get around the authentication part and only mock interacting with methods, so I ended up just mocked the whole library. :facepalm:

import sys

from unittest.mock import MagicMock

sys.modules["google.cloud.storage"] = MagicMock()

from your_application import make_app

def test_make_app():
like image 37
Guangyuan Yang Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Guangyuan Yang