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How to mock a function within Scala object using Mockito?

I am really new to Scala. I tried to mock a simple Scala function using Mockito, but I get the following error. I have checked the internet but I was unable to find out the error.

object TempScalaService {
  def login(userName: String, password: String): Boolean = {
    if (userName.equals("root") && password.equals("admin123")) {
      return true
    else return false

And my test class is below

class TempScalaServiceTest extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar{

  test ("test login "){
    val service = mock[TempScalaService.type]
    when(service.login("user", "testuser")).thenReturn(true)
    //some implementation

But I get the following error:

Cannot mock/spy class     com.pearson.tellurium.analytics.aggregation.TempScalaService$
Mockito cannot mock/spy following:
- final classes
- anonymous classes
- primitive types
Cannot mock/spy class    com.pearson.tellurium.analytics.aggregation.TempScalaService$
Mockito cannot mock/spy following:
- final classes
- anonymous classes
- primitive types
   at  org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar$class.mock(MockitoSugar.scala:74)
    at    com.pearson.tellurium.analytics.aggregation.TempScalaServiceTest.mock(Temp    ScalaServiceTest.scala:7)
at     com.pearson.tellurium.analytics.aggregation.TempScalaServiceTest$$anonfun$    1.apply$mcV$sp(TempScalaServiceTest.scala:10)
    at    com.pearson.tellurium.analytics.aggregation.TempScalaServiceTest$$anonfun$    1.apply(TempScalaServiceTest.scala:9)
    at     com.pearson.tellurium.analytics.aggregation.TempScalaServiceTest$$anonfun$    1.apply(TempScalaServiceTest.scala:9)
    at    org.scalatest.Transformer$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcV$sp(Transformer.scala:    22)
    at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$class.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:85)
like image 765
Dilan Avatar asked Jan 15 '17 16:01


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1 Answers

You can define the method in a trait which your object extends. Then simply mock the trait:

trait Login {
  def login(userName: String, password: String): Boolean

object TempScalaService extends Login {
   def login(userName: String, password: String): Boolean = {
     if (userName.equals("root") && password.equals("admin123")) {
   return true
    else return false

//in your test
val service = mock[Login]
like image 154
Dan Simon Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10

Dan Simon