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How to mimic '--volumes-from' in Kubernetes

I'm looking for a pattern that allows to share volumes between two containers running on the same pod in Kubernetes.

My use case is: I have a Ruby on Rails application running inside a docker container. The docker image contains static assets in /app/<app-name>/public directory, and I need to access those assets from the nginx container running alongside in the same pod.

In 'vanilla' docker I would have used --volumes-from flag to share this directory:

docker run --name app -v /app/<app-dir>/public <app-image> docker run --volumes-from app nginx 

After reading this doc: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/volumes.md I tried this (only relevant entries presented):

spec:   containers:     - image: <app-image>       name: <app-name>       volumeMounts:         - mountPath: /app/<app-name>/public           name: assets     - image: nginx       name: nginx       volumeMounts:         - mountPath: /var/www/html           name: assets           readOnly: true     volumes:       - name: assets         hostPath:           path: /tmp/assets 


  • Even though /tmp/assets on the node exists, it's empty
  • /app/<app-name>/public inside the app container is also empty

As a workaround I'm gonna try to populate the shared directory when the application container is up (simply cp /app/<app-name>/public/* to shared directory), but I really dislike this idea.

Question: how to mimic --volumes-from in Kubernetes, or if there is no direct counterpart, how can I share files from one container to other running in the same pod ?

apiVersion: v1beta3

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"0", Minor:"17", GitVersion:"v0.17.0", GitCommit:"82f8bdac06ddfacf493a9ed0fedc85f5ea62ebd5", GitTreeState:"clean"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"0", Minor:"17", GitVersion:"v0.17.0", GitCommit:"82f8bdac06ddfacf493a9ed0fedc85f5ea62ebd5", GitTreeState:"clean"} 
like image 324
cthulhu Avatar asked May 29 '15 20:05


People also ask

How do I view volumes in Kubernetes?

You can get the volumes mounted on the pod using the output of kubectl describe pod which has the Mounts section in each container's spec . You can then exec into the pod using kubectl exec and the cd to the directory you want to write data to.

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Where are volumes stored Kubernetes?

For any kind of volume in a given pod, data is preserved across container restarts. At its core, a volume is a directory, possibly with some data in it, which is accessible to the containers in a pod.

How do volumes work in Kubernetes?

A Volume in Kubernetes represents a directory with data that is accessible across multiple containers in a Pod. The container data in a Pod is deleted or lost when a container crashes or restarts, but when you use a volume, the new container can pick up the data at the state before the container crashes.

1 Answers

[update-2016-8] In latest Kubernetes release, you can use a very nice feature named init-container to replace the postStart part in my answer below, which will make sure the container order.

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:   name: javaweb-2 spec:   initContainers:   - name: war     image: resouer/sample:v2     command: ["cp", "/sample.war", "/app"]     volumeMounts:     - mountPath: /app       name: app-volume   containers:   - name: tomcat     image: resouer/mytomcat:7.0     command: ["sh","-c","/root/apache-tomcat-7.0.42-v2/bin/start.sh"]     volumeMounts:     - mountPath: /root/apache-tomcat-7.0.42-v2/webapps       name: app-volume     ports:     - containerPort: 8080       hostPort: 8001   volumes:   - name: app-volume     emptyDir: {} 

NOTE: initContainer is still a beta feature so the work version of this yaml is actually like: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/production-pods/#handling-initialization, please notice the pod.beta.kubernetes.io/init-containers part.

---original answer begin---

Actually, you can. You need to use container life cycle handler to control what files/dirs you want to share with other containers. Like:

--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:     name: server spec:     restartPolicy: OnFailure     containers:     - image: resouer/sample:v2       name: war       lifecycle:         postStart:           exec:             command:               - "cp"               - "/sample.war"               - "/app"       volumeMounts:       - mountPath: /app         name: hostv1      - name: peer       image: busybox       command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]       volumeMounts:       - name: hostv2         mountPath: /app/sample.war     volumes:     - name: hostv1       hostPath:           path: /tmp     - name: hostv2       hostPath:           path: /tmp/sample.war 

Please check my gist for more details:


And of course you can use emptyDir. Thus, war container can share its /sample.war to peer container without mess peer's /app directory.

If we can tolerate /app been overridden, it will be much simpler:

--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:   name: javaweb-2 spec:   restartPolicy: OnFailure   containers:   - image: resouer/sample:v2     name: war     lifecycle:       postStart:         exec:           command:             - "cp"             - "/sample.war"             - "/app"     volumeMounts:     - mountPath: /app       name: app-volume   - image: resouer/mytomcat:7.0     name: tomcat     command: ["sh","-c","/root/apache-tomcat-7.0.42-v2/bin/start.sh"]     volumeMounts:     - mountPath: /root/apache-tomcat-7.0.42-v2/webapps       name: app-volume     ports:     - containerPort: 8080       hostPort: 8001    volumes:   - name: app-volume     emptyDir: {} 
like image 170
harryz Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10
