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How to migrate complex Rails database to use UUID primary keys Postgresql

I have a database I would like to convert to use UUID's as the primary key in postgresql.

I have roughly 30 tables with deep multi-level associations. Is there an 'easy' way to convert all current ID's to UUID?

From this: https://coderwall.com/p/n_0awq, I can see that I could alter the table in migration. I was thinking something like this:

for client in Client.all
  # Retrieve children
  underwritings = client.underwritings
  # Change primary key
  execute 'ALTER TABLE clients ALTER COLUMN id TYPE uuid;'
  execute 'ALTER TABLE clients ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1();'
  # Get new id - is this already generated?
  client_id = client.id
  for underwriting in underwritings
    locations = underwriting.locations
    other_record = underwriting.other_records...

    execute 'ALTER TABLE underwritings ALTER COLUMN id TYPE uuid;'
    execute 'ALTER TABLE underwritings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1();'
    underwriting.client_id = client_id
    underwriting_id = underwriting.id

    for location in locations
      buildings = location.buildings
      execute 'ALTER TABLE locations ALTER COLUMN id TYPE uuid;'
      execute 'ALTER TABLE locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1();'
      location.undewriting_id = underwriting_id
      location_id = location.id

      for building in buildings
    for other_record in other_records


  • Will this work?
  • Is there an easier way to do this?
  • Will child records be retrieved properly as long as they are retrieved before the primary key is changed?
  • Will the new primary key be already generated as soon as the alter table is called?

Thanks very much for any help or tips in doing this.

like image 710
riley Avatar asked Jun 21 '13 02:06


1 Answers

Didn't want to add foreign keys, and wanted to to use a rails migration. Anyways, here is what I did if others are looking to do this (example for 2 tables, I did 32 total):

  def change
    execute 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";'
    execute <<-SQL
      ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN guid uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1() NOT NULL;
      ALTER TABLE buildings ALTER COLUMN guid SET DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1();
      ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN location_guid uuid;

      ALTER TABLE clients ADD COLUMN guid uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1() NOT NULL;
      ALTER TABLE clients ALTER COLUMN guid SET DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1();
      ALTER TABLE clients ADD COLUMN agency_guid uuid;
      ALTER TABLE clients ADD COLUMN account_executive_guid uuid;
      ALTER TABLE clients ADD COLUMN account_representative_guid uuid;

    for record in Building.all
      location = record.location
      record.location_guid = location.guid


    for record in Client.all
      agency = record.agency
      record.agency_guid = agency.guid

      account_executive = record.account_executive
      record.account_executive_guid = account_executive.guid unless account_executive.blank?

      account_representative = record.account_representative
      record.account_representative_guid = account_representative.guid unless account_representative.blank?


    execute <<-SQL
      ALTER TABLE buildings DROP CONSTRAINT buildings_pkey;
      ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN id;
      ALTER TABLE buildings RENAME COLUMN guid TO id;
      ALTER TABLE buildings ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);
      ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN location_id;
      ALTER TABLE buildings RENAME COLUMN location_guid TO location_id;

      ALTER TABLE clients DROP CONSTRAINT clients_pkey;
      ALTER TABLE clients DROP COLUMN id;
      ALTER TABLE clients RENAME COLUMN guid TO id;
      ALTER TABLE clients ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);
      ALTER TABLE clients DROP COLUMN agency_id;
      ALTER TABLE clients RENAME COLUMN agency_guid TO agency_id;
      ALTER TABLE clients DROP COLUMN account_executive_id;
      ALTER TABLE clients RENAME COLUMN account_executive_guid TO account_executive_id;
      ALTER TABLE clients DROP COLUMN account_representative_id;
      ALTER TABLE clients RENAME COLUMN account_representative_guid TO account_representative_id;
like image 123
riley Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10
