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How to merge two data frames based on nearest date

I want to merge two data frames based on two columns: "Code" and "Date". It is straightforward to merge data frames based on "Code", however in case of "Date" it becomes tricky - there is no exact match between Dates in df1 and df2. So, I want to select closest Dates. How can I do this?

df = df1[column_names1].merge(df2[column_names2], on='Code')
like image 304
Klausos Klausos Avatar asked Oct 29 '15 18:10

Klausos Klausos

1 Answers

I don't think there's a quick, one-line way to do this kind of thing but I belive the best approach is to do it this way:

  1. add a column to df1 with the closest date from the appropriate group in df2

  2. call a standard merge on these

As the size of your data grows, this "closest date" operation can become rather expensive unless you do something sophisticated. I like to use scikit-learn's NearestNeighbor code for this sort of thing.

I've put together one approach to that solution that should scale relatively well. First we can generate some simple data:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('2015', periods=200, freq='D')

rand = np.random.RandomState(42)
i1 = np.sort(rand.permutation(np.arange(len(dates)))[:5])
i2 = np.sort(rand.permutation(np.arange(len(dates)))[:5])

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Code': rand.randint(0, 2, 5),
                    'Date': dates[i1],
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Code': rand.randint(0, 2, 5),
                    'Date': dates[i2],

Let's check these out:

>>> df1
   Code       Date      val1
0     0 2015-01-16  0.975852
1     0 2015-01-31  0.516300
2     1 2015-04-06  0.322956
3     1 2015-05-09  0.795186
4     1 2015-06-08  0.270832

>>> df2
   Code       Date      val2
0     1 2015-02-03  0.184334
1     1 2015-04-13  0.080873
2     0 2015-05-02  0.428314
3     1 2015-06-26  0.688500
4     0 2015-06-30  0.058194

Now let's write an apply function that adds a column of nearest dates to df1 using scikit-learn:

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

def find_nearest(group, match, groupname):
    match = match[match[groupname] == group.name]
    nbrs = NearestNeighbors(1).fit(match['Date'].values[:, None])
    dist, ind = nbrs.kneighbors(group['Date'].values[:, None])

    group['Date1'] = group['Date']
    group['Date'] = match['Date'].values[ind.ravel()]
    return group

df1_mod = df1.groupby('Code').apply(find_nearest, df2, 'Code')
>>> df1_mod
   Code       Date      val1      Date1
0     0 2015-05-02  0.975852 2015-01-16
1     0 2015-05-02  0.516300 2015-01-31
2     1 2015-04-13  0.322956 2015-04-06
3     1 2015-04-13  0.795186 2015-05-09
4     1 2015-06-26  0.270832 2015-06-08

Finally, we can merge these together with a straightforward call to pd.merge:

>>> pd.merge(df1_mod, df2, on=['Code', 'Date'])
   Code       Date      val1      Date1      val2
0     0 2015-05-02  0.975852 2015-01-16  0.428314
1     0 2015-05-02  0.516300 2015-01-31  0.428314
2     1 2015-04-13  0.322956 2015-04-06  0.080873
3     1 2015-04-13  0.795186 2015-05-09  0.080873
4     1 2015-06-26  0.270832 2015-06-08  0.688500

Notice that rows 0 and 1 both matched the same val2; this is expected given the way you described your desired solution.

like image 159
jakevdp Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
