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How to merge two arrays by summing the merged values [duplicate]





Possible Duplicate:
PHP: How to sum values of the array of the same key

I am looking for an array_merge() function that does NOT replace values, but ADDS them.

Example, this is the code I am trying:

    echo "<pre>";       $a1 = array(          "a" => 2         ,"b" => 0         ,"c" => 5     );      $a2 = array(          "a" => 3         ,"b" => 9         ,"c" => 7         ,"d" => 10     );      $a3 = array_merge($a1, $a2);     print_r($a3);  

Sadly, this outputs this:

Array (     [a] => 3     [b] => 9     [c] => 7     [d] => 10 ) 

I then tried, instead of array_merge, just simply adding the two arrays

$a3 = $a1 + $a2; 

But this outputs

Array (     [a] => 2     [b] => 0     [c] => 5     [d] => 10 ) 

What I truly want is to be able to pass as many arrays as needed, and then get their sum. So in my example, I want the output to be:

Array (     [a] => 5     [b] => 9     [c] => 12     [d] => 10 ) 

Of course I can schlepp and build some function with many foreach etc, but am looking or a smarter, cleaner solution. Thanks for any pointers!

like image 925
Erick Avatar asked May 22 '11 05:05


People also ask

How do you merge two arrays by summing the merged values?

array_merge does merge two arrays while retaining all keys. But you want to sum the value of identical keys of two arrays, which is something else.

How do I combine two arrays?

To merge elements from one array to another, we must first iterate(loop) through all the array elements. In the loop, we will retrieve each element from an array and insert(using the array push() method) to another array. Now, we can call the merge() function and pass two arrays as the arguments for merging.

Which function combines for merge two or more arrays?

array_merge() Function: The array_merge() function is used to merge two or more arrays into a single array. This function is used to merge the elements or values of two or more arrays together into a single array.

2 Answers

$sums = array(); foreach (array_keys($a1 + $a2) as $key) {     $sums[$key] = (isset($a1[$key]) ? $a1[$key] : 0) + (isset($a2[$key]) ? $a2[$key] : 0); } 

You could shorten this to the following using the error suppression operator, but it should be considered ugly:

$sums = array(); foreach (array_keys($a1 + $a2) as $key) {     $sums[$key] = @($a1[$key] + $a2[$key]); } 

Alternatively, some mapping:

$keys = array_fill_keys(array_keys($a1 + $a2), 0); $sums = array_map(function ($a1, $a2) { return $a1 + $a2; }, array_merge($keys, $a1), array_merge($keys, $a2)); 

Or sort of a combination of both solutions:

$sums = array_fill_keys(array_keys($a1 + $a2), 0); array_walk($sums, function (&$value, $key, $arrs) { $value = @($arrs[0][$key] + $arrs[1][$key]); }, array($a1, $a2)); 

I think these are concise enough to adapt one of them on the spot whenever needed, but to put it in terms of a function that accepts an unlimited number of arrays and sums them:

function array_sum_identical_keys() {     $arrays = func_get_args();     $keys = array_keys(array_reduce($arrays, function ($keys, $arr) { return $keys + $arr; }, array()));     $sums = array();      foreach ($keys as $key) {         $sums[$key] = array_reduce($arrays, function ($sum, $arr) use ($key) { return $sum + @$arr[$key]; });     }     return $sums; } 
like image 78
deceze Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09


My contribution:

function array_merge_numeric_values() {     $arrays = func_get_args();     $merged = array();     foreach ($arrays as $array)     {         foreach ($array as $key => $value)         {             if ( ! is_numeric($value))             {                 continue;             }             if ( ! isset($merged[$key]))             {                 $merged[$key] = $value;             }             else             {                 $merged[$key] += $value;             }         }     }     return $merged; } 

Pass as many arrays to it as you want. Feel free to add some more defense, ability to accept multidimensional arrays, or type checking.

Demo: http://codepad.org/JG6zwAap

like image 27
Wesley Murch Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Wesley Murch