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How to melt first level column in multiindex with pandas




I have this multiindex dataframe:



    a       b       c    
    1   2   1   2   1   2
0  10  10  20  20  40  40
1  10  10  20  20  40  40
2  10  10  20  20  40  40

And i want to get this:


   names  1   2
0      a  10  10
1      a  10  10
2      a  10  10
0      b  20  20
1      b  20  20
2      b  20  20
0      c  40  40
1      c  40  40
2      c  40  40

I know that I can separate each column first level in a dataframe and then do an append, but I'm looking for a better way to do it.

I've tried to do it with the command melt but I always get an error.

Any ideas?

like image 793
Mateo Rod Avatar asked Jun 28 '18 08:06

Mateo Rod

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1 Answers

Use unstack:

        .reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
  names   1   2
0     a  10  10
1     a  10  10
2     a  10  10
3     b  20  20
4     b  20  20
5     b  20  20
6     c  40  40
7     c  40  40
8     c  40  40
like image 148
jezrael Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11
