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How to measures script execution and *parsing* time?

As far as I know, scripts are downloaded and executed synchronously in javascript. Hence if we write the following code:

<script type='text/javascript'>console.time('core')</script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="guicore.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>console.timeEnd('core')</script>

we'll see in console total time for download, parse and execute js. How we can exclude parsing time? Just add similar file, but with all code commented out. More or less, this technique should work.

The problem is this just doesn't work =)

I optimized that code, reduce execution time from 90ms to 25ms, but see the same ~100±10ms time for Chrome and ~160±15ms for Firefox.

Ok, I know I could use profiler, but the question is: "how to measure js parsing time correctly" and what did I measured btw. Research.reverse-engineering is very fun, but maybe there's someone who knows that field in depth.

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kirilloid Avatar asked Mar 11 '13 15:03


People also ask

How is script execution time calculated?

To calculate script execution time use clock time rather than the CPU execution time. Knowing clock time before script execution and after script execution will help to know the script execution time. Clock time can get using microtime() function. First use it before starts the script and then at the end of the script.

How does JavaScript measure performance and execution time?

The easiest way to track execution time is to use a date object. Using Date. now() that returns the total number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, we can store the value before and after the execution of the function to be measured and then get the difference of the two.

How do you reduce time spent parsing compiling and executing JS?

You can reduce JavaScript execution time by removing unused JavaScript using an asset unloading plugin as well as minifying, combining, deferring, and delaying JavaScript files. Many of these optimizations can be done using caching plugins, Autoptimize, and Async JavaScript.

1 Answers

You cannot accurately measure script parse time independent of execution time using web APIs alone. Different browsers have different strategies for when they do parsing, and some of them will parse progressively as the script is executed, or even do "partial parsing" in cases where it's assumed a block of code is unlikely to immediately be executed (e.g. a function that is not an IIFE, see some details in the optimize-js README).

Using separate <script> tags is the most accurate way to at least capture both parsing and execution time. The only modification I would make to your snippet is this:

<script src="myscript.js"></script>
  performance.measure('total', 'start', 'end');

Note the use of the high-precision User Timing API which, as an added bonus, will show visualizations in the Chrome/Edge/IE dev tools (and tools like Windows Performance Analyzer and WebPageTest if you're so inclined).

Technically the 3rd <script> is not necessary, as you can just append the mark/measure to the end of the 2nd script. But the 1st <script> is certainly necessary to capture all parse time. You can verify in the dev tools that the marks/measures encompass all initial parsing and execution time.

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nlawson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09
