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How to measure and display time taken for tasks when running ansible-playbook?

I have one playbook and in this playbook, there are so many tasks. I need to know which task has taken how much time?

Is there any solution?

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Dharti Sutariya Avatar asked May 22 '20 05:05

Dharti Sutariya

People also ask

What is the default time period that Ansible checks the status for async tasks?

By default Ansible would track the status of the async task every 10 seconds.

How do you handle long running tasks in Ansible?

For a long running task use Ansible's Asynchronous mode to effectively background the task. Then follow it up with another task that checks the status of the backgrounded task.

What is Check_mode in Ansible?

In check mode, Ansible runs without making any changes on remote systems. Modules that support check mode report the changes they would have made. Modules that do not support check mode report nothing and do nothing. In diff mode, Ansible provides before-and-after comparisons.

3 Answers

Add callbacks_enabled = profile_tasks in the [default] section in your ansible.cfg.

(Or callback_whitelist for Ansible < 2.11.)

Here is my ansible.cfg

inventory = hosts
callbacks_enabled = profile_tasks
deprecation_warnings = False

Here is my playbook

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: true
    - name: Sleep for 10 Sec
      command: sleep 10

    - name: Sleep for 5 Sec
      command: sleep 5

    - name: Sleep for 2 Sec
      command: sleep 2

Here is my play output.

PLAY [localhost] ***************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************
Thursday 28 May 2020  09:36:04 +0000 (0:00:00.038)       0:00:00.038 **********
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Sleep for 10 Sec] ********************************
Thursday 28 May 2020  09:36:07 +0000 (0:00:03.695)       0:00:03.733 **********
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Sleep for 5 Sec] *********************************
Thursday 28 May 2020  09:36:18 +0000 (0:00:11.166)       0:00:14.899 **********
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Sleep for 2 Sec] *********************************
Thursday 28 May 2020  09:36:24 +0000 (0:00:05.965)       0:00:20.865 **********
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************
localhost                  : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Thursday 28 May 2020  09:36:27 +0000 (0:00:02.878)       0:00:23.744 **********
Sleep for 10 Sec------------------------------------------------ 11.17s
Sleep for 5 Sec------------------------------------------------- 5.97s
Gathering Facts------------------------------------------------- 3.70s
Sleep for 2 Sec ------------------------------------------------- 2.88s

Here at last it shows how much time each task took to complete the play.

The explanation about the parameter callbacks_enabled = profile_tasks is found in the official ansible doc...




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Pradeep Kumar H C Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10

Pradeep Kumar H C

if you want to access that time within a playbook you can do something like this:

- name: Start
    start_time: "{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601[:19] }}"

... do a bunch of stuff

- name: force update of current timestamp
  setup: filter='ansible_date_time'
- name: Get runtime
    runtime: "{{ ((ansible_date_time.iso8601[:19] | to_datetime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) - (start_time | to_datetime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))).seconds }}"

That fact will then be accessible to you as "{{ runtime }}"

You have to force the update of ansible_date_time because it's gathered as a fact initially, and otherwise not refreshed.

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James_SO Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10


callback_whitelist is deprecated and will be removed in Ansible 2.15), callbacks_enabled (introduced in 2.11) should be used instead in modern versions of Ansible

callbacks_enabled = ansible.posix.profile_tasks



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Konstantin Volenbovskyi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10

Konstantin Volenbovskyi