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How to match exclamation mark (!) in PHP?




I want to match camel cased words beginning with ! such as !RedHat contained in $line. I'm using php 5.3.10-1ubuntu2 with Suhosin-Patch (cli).

I'm trying following things:

  • $line = preg_replace(" !([A-Z])", " $1", $line);
    • result: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): No ending delimiter '!' found
  • $line = preg_replace(" \!([A-Z])", " $1", $line);
    • result: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash
  • $line = preg_replace(" [!]([A-Z])", " $1", $line);
    • result: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '('
  • $line = preg_replace(" [\!]([A-Z])", " $1", $line);
    • result: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '('

How is the correct way to match ! in PHP regexp?

like image 666
koppor Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 09:03


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It's a boolean tester. Empty or false. Show activity on this post. It's the not boolean operator, see the PHP manual for further detail.

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! If an exclamation mark (!) occurs as the first character in a regular expression, all magic characters are treated as special characters. An exclamation mark is treated as a regular character if it occurs anywhere but at the very start of the regular expression.

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1 Answers

You need to use delimiters in your regex - non-alphanumeric, as the error message states:

$line = preg_replace("/ !([A-Z])/", " $1", $line);

Notice the / characters at the beginning and end of the regex string.

These don't have to be / - you could use # or even ! - but if you use ! then you'll need to escape the ! char inside the regex itself.

like image 160
Aleks G Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Aleks G