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How to match a text format to a string without regex in python?

I am reading a file with lines of the form exemplified by

[ 0 ] L= 9 (D) R= 14 (D) p= 0.0347222 e= 10 n= 34

I saw Matlab code to read this file given by

[I,L,Ls,R,Rs,p,e,n] = textread(f1,'[ %u ] L= %u%s R= %u%s p= %n e=%u n=%u')

I want to read this file in Python. The only thing I know of is regex, and reading even a part of this line leads to something like


which is ugly! Is there an easier way to do this in Python?

like image 677
highBandWidth Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 12:02


2 Answers

You can make the regexp more readable by building it with escape/replace...

number = "([-+0-9.DdEe ]+)"
unit = r"\(([^)]+)\)"
t = "[X] L=XU R=XU p=X e=X n=X"
m = re.compile(re.escape(t).replace("X", number).replace("U", unit))
like image 96
6502 Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 01:02


This looks more or less pythonic to me:

line = "[ 0 ] L= 9 (D) R= 14 (D) p= 0.0347222 e= 10 n= 34"

parts = (None, int, None,
         None, int, str,
         None, int, str,
         None, float,
         None, int,
         None, int)

[I,L,Ls,R,Rs,p,e,n] = [f(x) for f, x in zip(parts, line.split()) if f is not None]

print [I,L,Ls,R,Rs,p,e,n]
like image 29
abbot Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 00:02
