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How to make tool windows remember their monitor and position in IntelliJ Idea 13

How to make tool windows remember their monitor and position in IntelliJ Idea 13?

Is there a way to do that?

I have 2 monitors with different resolutions.

I like to keep the main window of the IDE (and the code editor) on my laptop monitor and have the tool windows (Debug, Changes, Run, Terminal, Maven) on the second one at max width and height.

So What I do is to float them, max them on the second monitor and pin them there.

it works but every time I close the IDE, or sometimes during my day they get back to the main monitor again.

They kind of maintain their height and width (a few pixels less I think) but they appear huge in the middle of my smaller monitor.

This is the only draw back I have to say agains the IDE, and in Eclipse this kind of thing works as a charm.

Is there a way to solve it? Or a plugin?


like image 223
Cristiano Fontes Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 05:11

Cristiano Fontes

1 Answers

I had the same problem with Find window. Solution was to close IDEA (13.1.5) with all windows positioned as I like. It seems IDEA memorizes window positions only on termination.

like image 87
alm Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
