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How to make the long text to fit inside a small div?


I have the div with a specified width but the text inside it are not breaking down and fitting into the div accordingly.

This might be a wrong question. How to make it fit inside the div?

I believe its not possible for fit completely inside at least can it be fitted inside the div according to the width not height.


.limit{     width:50px; } 


<div class="limit">     <p>fasfhfhsjdhkjhdkjhfjkhdsfjkhdfjhdfiuhadfhjdfhjadskf kjahsdjfahdfuahsdf dhsf</p> </div> 


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sun Avatar asked Dec 13 '13 11:12


People also ask

How do I fit text into a box in CSS?

You have to set 'display:inline-block' and 'height:auto' to wrap the content within the border. Show activity on this post. Two ways are there. No need to mention height in this it will be auto by default.

How do I change the width of a div in text?

Using inline-block property: Use display: inline-block property to set a div size according to its content.

How do I make div width auto adjust?

Using width, max-width and margin: auto; Then, you can set the margins to auto, to horizontally center the element within its container. The element will take up the specified width, and the remaining space will be split equally between the two margins: This <div> element has a width of 500px, and margin set to auto.

2 Answers

All you need is word-wrap: break-word;

.limit{      width:50px;      word-wrap: break-word;  }
<div class="limit">      <p>fasfhfhsjdhkjhdkjhfjkhdsfjkhdfjhdfiuhadfhjdfhjadskf kjahsdjfahdfuahsdf dhsf</p>  </div>


On the other hand, if you are not looking to break the sentence, you can also use overflow property set to auto or overflow-x: scroll; - Demo

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Mr. Alien Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Mr. Alien

If you are looking for a way to resize the div's font-size to fit the entire text without word break or scroll, you should use JavaScript to detect if the text is overflowing and adjust font-size accordly:

function fitText(outputSelector){     // max font size in pixels     const maxFontSize = 50;     // get the DOM output element by its selector     let outputDiv = document.getElementById(outputSelector);     // get element's width     let width = outputDiv.clientWidth;     // get content's width     let contentWidth = outputDiv.scrollWidth;     // get fontSize     let fontSize = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(outputDiv, null).getPropertyValue('font-size'),10);     // if content's width is bigger then elements width - overflow     if (contentWidth > width){         fontSize = Math.ceil(fontSize * width/contentWidth,10);         fontSize =  fontSize > maxFontSize  ? fontSize = maxFontSize  : fontSize - 1;         outputDiv.style.fontSize = fontSize+'px';        }else{         // content is smaller then width... let's resize in 1 px until it fits          while (contentWidth === width && fontSize < maxFontSize){             fontSize = Math.ceil(fontSize) + 1;             fontSize = fontSize > maxFontSize  ? fontSize = maxFontSize  : fontSize;             outputDiv.style.fontSize = fontSize+'px';                // update widths             width = outputDiv.clientWidth;             contentWidth = outputDiv.scrollWidth;             if (contentWidth > width){                 outputDiv.style.fontSize = fontSize-1+'px';              }         }     } } 

This code is part of a test that I have uploaded to Github https://github.com/ricardobrg/fitText/

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Ricardo BRGWeb Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10

Ricardo BRGWeb