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How to make the java system release Soft References?

I'm going to use a SoftReference-based cache (a pretty simple thing by itself). However, I've came across a problem when writing a test for it.

The objective of the test is to check if the cache does request the previously cached object from the server again after the memory cleanup occurs.

Here I find the problem how to make system to release soft referenced objects. Calling System.gc() is not enough because soft references will not be released until the memory is low. I'm running this unit test on the PC so the memory budget for the VM could be pretty large.

================== Added later ==============================

Thank you all who took care to answer!

After considering all pro's and contra's I've decided to go the brute force way as advised by nanda and jarnbjo. It appeared, however, that JVM is not that dumb - it won't even attempt garbage collecting if you ask for a block which alone is bigger than VM's memory budget. So I've modified the code like this:

    /* Force releasing SoftReferences */
    try {
        final List<long[]> memhog = new LinkedList<long[]>();
        while(true) {
            memhog.add(new long[102400]);
    catch(final OutOfMemoryError e) {
        /* At this point all SoftReferences have been released - GUARANTEED. */

    /* continue the test here */
like image 740
JBM Avatar asked Sep 24 '10 09:09


People also ask

How do you create a soft reference in Java?

To create a Soft Reference Object, we must explicitly specify this to the JVM. In Soft reference, even if the object is free for garbage collection then also it's not garbage collected until JVM is in need of memory badly. The objects get cleared from the memory when JVM runs out of memory.

When to use soft reference in Java?

Soft reference objects, which are cleared at the discretion of the garbage collector in response to memory demand. Soft references are most often used to implement memory-sensitive caches. Suppose that the garbage collector determines at a certain point in time that an object is softly reachable.

When garbage collection will start what is soft reference?

A soft reference object (or a softly reachable object) can be cleared by the Garbage Collector in response to a memory demand. A softly reachable object has no strong references pointing to it. When a Garbage Collector gets called, it starts iterating over all elements in the heap.

What's the difference between SoftReference and WeakReference in Java?

WeakReference: is used to hold an object which will become eligible for the garbage collection as soon as it is not reachable by the program. SoftReference: lives longer, it will only be garbage collected before an OutOfMemoryError is thrown.

2 Answers

This piece of code forces the JVM to flush all SoftReferences. And it's very fast to do.

It's working better than the Integer.MAX_VALUE approach, since here the JVM really tries to allocate that much memory.

try {
    Object[] ignored = new Object[(int) Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()];
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
    // Ignore

I now use this bit of code everywhere I need to unit test code using SoftReferences.

Update: This approach will indeed work only with less than 2G of max memory.

Also, one need to be very careful with SoftReferences. It's so easy to keep a hard reference by mistake that will negate the effect of SoftReferences.

Here is a simple test that shows it working every time on OSX. Would be interested in knowing if JVM's behavior is the same on Linux and Windows.

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    SoftReference<Object> softReference = new SoftReferencelt<Object>(new Object());
    if (null == softReference.get()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Reference should NOT be null");

    try {
        Object[] ignored = new Object[(int) Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()];
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
        // Ignore

    if (null != softReference.get()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Reference should be null");

    System.out.println("It worked!");
like image 82
David Gageot Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

David Gageot

An improvement that will work for more than 2G max memory. It loops until an OutOfMemory error occurs.

public void shouldNotHoldReferencesToObject() {
    final SoftReference<T> reference = new SoftReference<T>( ... );

    // Sanity check
    assertThat(reference.get(), not(equalTo(null)));

    // Force an OoM
    try {
        final ArrayList<Object[]> allocations = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        int size;
        while( (size = Math.min(Math.abs((int)Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()),Integer.MAX_VALUE))>0 )
            allocations.add( new Object[size] );
    } catch( OutOfMemoryError e ) {
        // great!

    // Verify object has been garbage collected
    assertThat(reference.get(), equalTo(null));

like image 38
emmby Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
