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How to make the `@Endpoint(id = "health")` working in Spring Boot 2.0?

I have tried the new way of customizing the health Actuator in Spring Boot 2.0.0.M5, as described here: https://spring.io/blog/2017/08/22/introducing-actuator-endpoints-in-spring-boot-2-0:

@Endpoint(id = "health")
public class HealthEndpoint {
    public Health health() {
        return new Health.Builder()
            .withDetail("MyStatus", "is happy")

However, when I run HTTP GET to localhost:port/application/health, I still get the standard default health info. My code is completely ignored.

When I use the "traditional way" of customizing the health info via implementation of HealthIndicator, it works as expected, the health information is decorated with the given details:

public class MyHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
    public Health health() {
        return new Health.Builder()
            .withDetail("MyStatus 1.1", "is happy")
            .withDetail("MyStatus 1.2", "is also happy")

QUESTION: What more shall I configure and/or implement to make the @Endpoint(id = "health") solution working?

My intention is not to create a custom actuator myhealth, but to customize the existing health actuator. Based on the documentation I expect to reach the same result as by implementing HealthIndicator. Am I wrong in that assumption?

The Maven configuration pom.xml contains:



The Spring Boot configuration application.properties contains:

like image 980
Honza Zidek Avatar asked Oct 17 '17 18:10

Honza Zidek

1 Answers


  • The documentation on the new Spring Actuator Endpoints is not very lucid. It's trying to explain the new endpoint infrastructure with the existing health endpoint as an example.

  • A new endpoint ID has to be unique and shouldn't be same as an existing actuator endpoint. If one tries to the change the ID of the example shown below to health, one will get the following exception:

     java.lang.IllegalStateException: Found two endpoints with the id 'health'
  • The above comment about declaring the endpoint classes with @Bean annotation is correct.

  • Customizing the health endpoint hasn't changed in Spring Boot 2.0. You still have to implement HealthIndicator to add custom values.

Custom Actuator Endpoint

Here are the changes needed to create a custom Actuator endpoint in Spring Boot 2.0.


The domain containing your custom information.

public class MyHealth {

    private Map<String, Object> details;

    public Map<String, Object> getDetails() {
        return this.details;

My Health Endpoint

Declaring myhealth endpoint,

@Endpoint(id = "myhealth")
public class MyHealthEndpoint {

    public MyHealth health() {
        Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        details.put("MyStatus", "is happy");
        MyHealth health = new MyHealth();

        return health;

My Health Extension

Extension for myhealth endpoint,

@WebEndpointExtension(endpoint = MyHealthEndpoint.class)
public class MyHealthWebEndpointExtension {

    private final MyHealthEndpoint delegate;

    public MyHealthWebEndpointExtension(MyHealthEndpoint delegate) {
        this.delegate = delegate;

    public WebEndpointResponse<MyHealth> getHealth() {
        MyHealth health = delegate.health();
        return new WebEndpointResponse<>(health, 200);

Actuator Configuration

Configuration to expose the two newly created actuator classes as beans,

public class ActuatorConfiguration {

    public MyHealthEndpoint myHealthEndpoint() {
        return new MyHealthEndpoint();

    public MyHealthWebEndpointExtension myHealthWebEndpointExtension(
            MyHealthEndpoint delegate) {
        return new MyHealthWebEndpointExtension(delegate);

Application Properties

Changes to application.yml,

    enabled: true

Once you start your application, you should be able to access the newly actuator endpoint at http://<host>:<port>/application/myhealth.

You should expect a response similar to one shown below,

  "MyStatus": "is happy"

A complete working example can be found here.

like image 64
Indra Basak Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 17:11

Indra Basak