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How to make svn diff produce file that patch would apply, when svn cp or svn mv was used?

The scenario is:

  1. svn cp or mv some file
  2. modify that file
  3. svn diff > mypatch

On other machine (same working copy, but no changes):

  1. Try to apply mypatch.
  2. Fail -> tries to modify unexistant file.

How can I make svn diff produce patch-appliable patch, or cleanly apply patch produced by svn diff in this case? I can't commit. I would like to preserve mergeinfo (because the obvious workaround is to add the file as totally new, without connection to the previous one).

like image 459
Paweł Hajdan Avatar asked Nov 25 '08 15:11

Paweł Hajdan

People also ask

What is Apply patch in svn?

A patch is a file that show the differences between two revisions or between your local repository and the last revision your repository is pointing. In order to apply the patch successfully, you must run the command from the same path where the patch was created.

What is the use of svn diff command?

Use just svn diff'to display local modifications in a working copy. Display the changes made to TARGET s as they are seen in REV between two revisions. TARGET s may be all working copy paths or all URL s.

1 Answers

With subversion, you can specify which diff binary to use, and parameters to pass to it. See the manual on svn diff.

You'd want to produce a regular patch file from a svn diff, so you'd want the svn diff to look like a normal diff. Try this:

svn diff --diff-cmd /usr/bin/diff -x "-i -b" > mypatch ... patch -p0 < mypatch 

Proof of concept:

echo "newline" >> README.txt svn diff --diff-cmd /usr/bin/diff -x "-i -b" > mypatch cp README.txt README.txt.patched svn revert README.txt patch -p0 < mypatch diff README.txt README.txt.patched 

No difference in the two files after patching.

like image 98
Ray Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
