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how to make sure mocked object is called only once in mockito

I have a while loop as follows

while (nodeIterator.hasNext())

I have mocked this method hasNext to return true so that I can test the code inside while loop but now the problem is everytime it returns true and this loop will never end. Please tell me is there anyway by which I can make sure that this method is called only once, or if not then how can I return false after first execution

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ankit Avatar asked Nov 14 '13 07:11


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2 Answers

I got the answer we can do it in the following way


this is known as method stubbing. Similarly if you want to call it twice and then you want to return false, then do as follows

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ankit Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10


see OngoingStubbing.thenReturn(T,T...)

this way you can return values for a sequence of calls.


above returns true on the first call and false on every subsequent call.

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Max Fichtelmann Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Max Fichtelmann