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How to make sure Django models match the database schema



Is there any script out there that check whether a Django model matches the corresponding database table (after syncdb)? I need to do this before I convert to South, and my models are pretty huge, so doing it by manual eyeballing is susceptible to errors. Thanks!

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kevin_82 Avatar asked Apr 27 '11 15:04


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1 Answers

To get a diff between your model definitions and the actual database fields you could take a look at django-extensions

Especially ./manage.py sqldiff

Django command that scans all models for the given appnames and compares there database schema with the real database tables.

It indicates how columns in the database are different from the SQL that would be generated by Django. This command is not a database migration tool. Though it might certainly be of help during migrations. It’s purpose is to show the current differences as a way to checking or debugging your models compared to the real database tables and columns.

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arie Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
