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How to make SBT to not-ignore .ebextensions folder?

I have a webapp that is built via SBT and is deployed into Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. In order to configure Beanstalk instance, one needs to put .ebextensions folder with config files into root of WAR file. However, putting this folder into src/main/webapp doesn't help, because SBT by default ignores all hidden folders, so resulting WAR doesn't contain the folder.

Is there some way to configure SBT to include this folder into the build, besides it's hidden? Or how can I put this folder into the build some other way? I'm using jenkins to automate build and deploy so unpack - add folder - pack again isn't really an option, unless it can be somehow scripted. Thanks!

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rusho Avatar asked Sep 27 '13 15:09


1 Answers

The web plugin appears to respect excludeFilter, which is by default:

excludeFilter := HiddenFileFilter

You can redefine it to allow .ebextensions:

excludeFilter := HiddenFileFilter -- ".ebextensions"
like image 154
Mark Harrah Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Mark Harrah