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How to make PyCharm work with the Go plugin?

I am using PyCharm 3.1.1 and I have installed the Go plugin for IntelliJ Idea. I did export GOROOT=$(go env GOROOT) to prevent PyCharm from complaining about missing GOROOT environment variable.

Now I was able to create a sample project, but the run command complains:

Error running untitled1.go: No Go Sdk defined for this project

On other sites I found that I should do something like:

Go to the File -> Project Structure and configure Go SDK by clicking + button and selecting /usr/lib/go/ folder.

But I don't have File -> Project Structure menu item.

How to make PyCharm work with the Go plugin?

like image 425
warvariuc Avatar asked Apr 08 '14 05:04


People also ask

Does Jetbrains have a Go IDE?

GoUltimateThe Go plugin provides support of all the features that are available in GoLand, the standalone IDE for Go developers. With the Go plugin, you can work with Go tools, vendoring, Go modules, download new Go SDK versions right from the IDE, and use other Go-specific features.

How do I Install Go Plugins?

If the Go plugin is not installed, in the Plugins dialog, find the Go plugin and click Install. Click OK to close the Plugins dialog. In the New Project dialog, select New project from the list of available projects. Ensure that Go is selected as a project language in the Language list.

Where does PyCharm Install Plugins?

By default, PyCharm stores user-specific files for each IDE instance (configuration, caches, plugins, logs, and so on) in the user's home directory.

1 Answers

You can get most of the way there with External Tools. There is no way to replace the 'Run' button until the next version of the plug-in, per Issue #728.

To set up your external tools, go to PyCharm -> Preferences (command+,) -> Tools -> External Tools -> +

Fill in the form: enter image description here

Hit OK. Use it from the menus: enter image description here

like image 194
Charles Merriam Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10

Charles Merriam