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How to make position:fixed div scroll horizontally

I have a div with position:fixed, as the image below suggests.

I want it to be fixed vertically, but I want it to scroll horizontally with the rest of the content (notice the horizontal scroll bar).

Is this possible with CSS? Or do I need Javascript (in this case, how could I do it)?

enter image description here

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John Assymptoth Avatar asked Jan 18 '12 15:01

John Assymptoth

2 Answers

Old question, but I was also looking for a solution also, and found a nice simple jquery solution, and figured someone else might find it helpful if nothing else:

        $('#header').css('left', originalLeft - $(this).scrollLeft());

with header being the div, and originalLeft being, well, the initial left:position. This also works if someone scrolls and then zooms out, such that it would go where you would want it to.

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Fewfre Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10


You need javascript. Here you can read a tutorial (with mootools): http://www.rickyh.co.uk/css-position-x-and-position-y/. Here a similar question, solved with jquery: CSS: fixed position on x-axis but not y?

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Alessandro Pezzato Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Alessandro Pezzato