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How to make phone call in iOS 10 using Swift? [duplicate]

I want my app to be able to call a certain number when a button is clicked. I've tried to google it but there doesn't seem to have one for iOS 10 so far (where openURL is gone). Can someone put an example for me on how to do so? For instance like:

@IBAction func callPoliceButton(_ sender: UIButton) {     // Call the local Police department } 
like image 672
user3175707 Avatar asked Oct 17 '16 04:10


People also ask

How do I make a call with SwiftUI?

Making a phone call from a SwiftUI app is easy and only takes a few lines of code to implement. All we need to do is setup a button that will open the phone app and make a phone call with a phone number we pass in.

2 Answers

You can call like this:

 if let url = URL(string: "tel://\(number)") {      UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)  } 

For Swift 3+, you can use like

guard let number = URL(string: "tel://" + number) else { return } UIApplication.shared.open(number) 


UIApplication.shared.open(number, options: [:], completionHandler: nil) 

Make sure you've scrubbed your phone number string to remove any instances of (, ), -, or space.

like image 157
Parth Adroja Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10

Parth Adroja


Make a call with phone number validation


Tested on:

  • Swift 5.2, Xcode 11.4 (11E146)


// MARK: DataDetector  class DataDetector {      private class func _find(all type: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType,                              in string: String, iterationClosure: (String) -> Bool) {         guard let detector = try? NSDataDetector(types: type.rawValue) else { return }         let range = NSRange(string.startIndex ..< string.endIndex, in: string)         let matches = detector.matches(in: string, options: [], range: range)         loop: for match in matches {             for i in 0 ..< match.numberOfRanges {                 let nsrange = match.range(at: i)                 let startIndex = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: nsrange.lowerBound)                 let endIndex = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: nsrange.upperBound)                 let range = startIndex..<endIndex                 guard iterationClosure(String(string[range])) else { break loop }             }         }     }      class func find(all type: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType, in string: String) -> [String] {         var results = [String]()         _find(all: type, in: string) {             results.append($0)             return true         }         return results     }      class func first(type: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType, in string: String) -> String? {         var result: String?         _find(all: type, in: string) {             result = $0             return false         }         return result     } }  // MARK: PhoneNumber  struct PhoneNumber {     private(set) var number: String     init?(extractFrom string: String) {         guard let phoneNumber = PhoneNumber.first(in: string) else { return nil }         self = phoneNumber     }      private init (string: String) { self.number = string }      func makeACall() {         guard let url = URL(string: "tel://\(number.onlyDigits())"),             UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) else { return }         if #available(iOS 10, *) {             UIApplication.shared.open(url)         } else {             UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)         }     }      static func extractAll(from string: String) -> [PhoneNumber] {         DataDetector.find(all: .phoneNumber, in: string)             .compactMap {  PhoneNumber(string: $0) }     }      static func first(in string: String) -> PhoneNumber? {         guard let phoneNumberString = DataDetector.first(type: .phoneNumber, in: string) else { return nil }         return PhoneNumber(string: phoneNumberString)     } }  extension PhoneNumber: CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { number } }  // MARK: String extension  extension String {      // MARK: Get remove all characters exept numbers      func onlyDigits() -> String {         let filtredUnicodeScalars = unicodeScalars.filter { CharacterSet.decimalDigits.contains($0) }         return String(String.UnicodeScalarView(filtredUnicodeScalars))     }      var detectedPhoneNumbers: [PhoneNumber] { PhoneNumber.extractAll(from: self) }     var detectedFirstPhoneNumber: PhoneNumber? { PhoneNumber.first(in: self) } } 


PhoneNumber(extractFrom: "+1-(800)-123-4567")?.makeACall()  PhoneNumber.extractAll(from: "+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33").last?.makeACall()  PhoneNumber.first(in: "+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33")?.makeACall()  "+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33".detectedPhoneNumbers[1].makeACall() "+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33".detectedFirstPhoneNumber?.makeACall() 

Full sample

do not forget to paste the solution code here

func test() {     isPhone("blabla")     isPhone("+1(222)333-44-55")     isPhone("+42 555.123.4567")     isPhone("+1-(800)-123-4567")     isPhone("+7 555 1234567")     isPhone("+7(926)1234567")     isPhone("(926) 1234567")     isPhone("+79261234567")     isPhone("926 1234567")     isPhone("9261234567")     isPhone("1234567")     isPhone("123-4567")     isPhone("123-89-01")     isPhone("495 1234567")     isPhone("469 123 45 67")     isPhone("8 (926) 1234567")     isPhone("89261234567")     isPhone("926.123.4567")     isPhone("415-555-1234")     isPhone("650-555-2345")     isPhone("(416)555-3456")     isPhone("202 555 4567")     isPhone("4035555678")     isPhone(" 1 416 555 9292")     isPhone("1(617)111-22-33!")     isPhone("+44 1838 300284")     isPhone("+44 1838 300284, 1 416 555 9292")     isPhone("+44 1838 3d0384, 1 416 555 9292!") }  private func isPhone(_ string: String) {     let phoneNumbers = PhoneNumber.extractAll(from: string)     let result = !phoneNumbers.isEmpty     print("\(result ? "✅" : "❌") \(string) | detected phones: \(phoneNumbers)") } 


❌ blabla | detected phones: [] ✅ +1(222)333-44-55 | detected phones: [+1(222)333-44-55] ✅ +42 555.123.4567 | detected phones: [555.123.4567] ✅ +1-(800)-123-4567 | detected phones: [+1-(800)-123-4567] ✅ +7 555 1234567 | detected phones: [+7 555 1234567] ✅ +7(926)1234567 | detected phones: [+7(926)1234567] ✅ (926) 1234567 | detected phones: [(926) 1234567] ✅ +79261234567 | detected phones: [+79261234567] ✅ 926 1234567 | detected phones: [926 1234567] ✅ 9261234567 | detected phones: [9261234567] ✅ 1234567 | detected phones: [1234567] ✅ 123-4567 | detected phones: [123-4567] ✅ 123-89-01 | detected phones: [123-89-01] ✅ 495 1234567 | detected phones: [495 1234567] ✅ 469 123 45 67 | detected phones: [469 123 45 67] ✅ 8 (926) 1234567 | detected phones: [8 (926) 1234567] ✅ 89261234567 | detected phones: [89261234567] ✅ 926.123.4567 | detected phones: [926.123.4567] ✅ 415-555-1234 | detected phones: [415-555-1234] ✅ 650-555-2345 | detected phones: [650-555-2345] ✅ (416)555-3456 | detected phones: [(416)555-3456] ✅ 202 555 4567 | detected phones: [202 555 4567] ✅ 4035555678 | detected phones: [4035555678] ✅  1 416 555 9292 | detected phones: [1 416 555 9292] ✅ 1(617)111-22-33! | detected phones: [1(617)111-22-33] ✅ +44 1838 300284 | detected phones: [+44 1838 300284] ✅ +44 1838 300284, 1 416 555 9292 | detected phones: [+44 1838 300284, 1 416 555 9292] ✅ +44 1838 3d0384, 1 416 555 9292! | detected phones: [1 416 555 9292] 
like image 25
Vasily Bodnarchuk Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10

Vasily Bodnarchuk