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How to make page slide(change) with react-router

I'v tried to use react-router and ReactTransitionGroup to make an navigation effect(page slide whereas route changes).

However, it's error-prone and ugly.(made much logic to define which direction to slide to and remove/add classes to make transition work).

I doubt is there any nice plugin to use.

Here's piece of my code, which inspired by Hardware-Accelerated Page Transitions for Mobile Web Apps / PhoneGap Apps.

const keyHistory = [];

let dir = 0;

const PageMixin = {
    componentWillAppear(cb) {

        let $el = $(ReactDom.findDOMNode(this));


        $el.one('transitionend', () => {
            $el.removeClass(`${pageStyles.right} ${pageStyles.active}`);

        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
            $el.addClass(`${pageStyles.active} ${pageStyles.center}`);

    componentWillEnter(cb) {
        let key = this.props.location.key,
            len = keyHistory.length; 
        if (key === keyHistory[len - 2]) {
            dir = -1;
        } else {
            dir = 1;

        const fromDir = dir === -1 ? pageStyles.left : pageStyles.right;

        let $el = $(ReactDom.findDOMNode(this));


        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
            $el.removeClass(fromDir).addClass(`${pageStyles.active} ${pageStyles.center}`);

        $el.one('transitionend', () => {
            $el.removeClass(`${fromDir} ${pageStyles.active}`);


    componentWillLeave(cb) {

        const toDir = dir === -1 ? pageStyles.right : pageStyles.left;

        let $el = $(ReactDom.findDOMNode(this));

        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
            $el.removeClass(pageStyles.center).addClass(`${pageStyles.active} ${toDir}`);

        $el.one('transitionend', () => {
like image 840
D.jennis Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 09:04


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1 Answers

You can try this


Partial code from github

      slide 1
      slide 2
      slide 3
like image 159
Jackie Huang Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 13:10

Jackie Huang