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How to make my Windows Form app snap to screen edges?


Anyone out there know how to make your .net windows form app sticky/snappy like Winamp so it snaps to the edges of the screen?

The target framework would be .NET 2.0 Windows Form written in C#, using VS08. I am looking to add this functionality to a custom user control, but I figured more people would benefit from having it described for the application and its main form.

Thank you.

like image 734
erator Avatar asked Feb 26 '09 05:02


People also ask

How do you snap screen on windows?

Snap with a keyboardSelect the window you want to snap and press the Windows Logo Key + Left Arrow or the Windows Logo Key + Right Arrow to snap the window to the side of the screen where you want it to be. You can also move it to a corner after snapping it.

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The easiest way to go full screen in an application or a game is to use the Alt + Enter keyboard shortcut. This method works for most games and apps unless they use it to enable other features. The shortcut is also used to switch from full-screen mode to windowed.

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Select the Start button at the lower left corner of the screen, then choose Settings. Choose System. Under System, choose Multitasking. There are four options under Snap that can be adjusted.

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2 Answers

This worked pretty well, works on multiple monitors, observes the taskbar:

  public partial class Form1 : Form {     public Form1() {       InitializeComponent();     }     private const int SnapDist = 100;     private bool DoSnap(int pos, int edge) {       int delta = pos - edge;       return delta > 0 && delta <= SnapDist;     }     protected override void  OnResizeEnd(EventArgs e) {       base.OnResizeEnd(e);       Screen scn = Screen.FromPoint(this.Location);       if (DoSnap(this.Left, scn.WorkingArea.Left)) this.Left= scn.WorkingArea.Left;       if (DoSnap(this.Top, scn.WorkingArea.Top)) this.Top = scn.WorkingArea.Top;       if (DoSnap(scn.WorkingArea.Right, this.Right)) this.Left = scn.WorkingArea.Right - this.Width;       if (DoSnap(scn.WorkingArea.Bottom, this.Bottom)) this.Top = scn.WorkingArea.Bottom - this.Height;     }   } 
like image 164
Hans Passant Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Hans Passant

The accepted answer only snaps the window after finishing the drag, whereas I wanted the form to continuously snap to the screen edges while dragging. Here's my solution, loosely based off the Paint.NET source code:

using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms;  namespace Whatever {     /// <summary>     /// Managed equivalent of the Win32 <code>RECT</code> structure.     /// </summary>     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]     public struct LtrbRectangle     {         public int Left;         public int Top;         public int Right;         public int Bottom;          public LtrbRectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)         {             Left = left;             Top = top;             Right = right;             Bottom = bottom;         }          public Rectangle ToRectangle()         {             return Rectangle.FromLTRB(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);         }          public static LtrbRectangle FromRectangle(Rectangle rect)         {             return new LtrbRectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height);         }          public override string ToString()         {             return "{Left=" + Left + ",Top=" + Top + ",Right=" + Right + ",Bottom=" + Bottom + "}";         }     }      /// <summary>     /// A form that "snaps" to screen edges when moving.     /// </summary>     public class AnchoredForm : Form     {         private const int WmEnterSizeMove = 0x0231;         private const int WmMoving = 0x0216;         private const int WmSize = 0x0005;          private SnapLocation _snapAnchor;         private int _dragOffsetX;         private int _dragOffsetY;          /// <summary>         /// Flags specifying which edges to anchor the form at.         /// </summary>         [Flags]         public enum SnapLocation         {             None = 0,             Left = 1 << 0,             Top = 1 << 1,             Right = 1 << 2,             Bottom = 1 << 3,             All = Left | Top | Right | Bottom         }          /// <summary>         /// How far from the screen edge to anchor the form.         /// </summary>         [Browsable(true)]         [DefaultValue(10)]         [Description("The distance from the screen edge to anchor the form.")]         public virtual int AnchorDistance { get; set; } = 10;          /// <summary>         /// Gets or sets how close the form must be to the         /// anchor point to snap to it. A higher value gives         /// a more noticable "snap" effect.         /// </summary>         [Browsable(true)]         [DefaultValue(20)]         [Description("The maximum form snapping distance.")]         public virtual int SnapDistance { get; set; } = 20;          /// <summary>         /// Re-snaps the control to its current anchor points.         /// This can be useful for re-positioning the form after         /// the screen resolution changes.         /// </summary>         public void ReSnap()         {             SnapTo(_snapAnchor);         }          /// <summary>         /// Forces the control to snap to the specified edges.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="anchor">The screen edges to snap to.</param>         public void SnapTo(SnapLocation anchor)         {             Screen currentScreen = Screen.FromPoint(Location);             Rectangle workingArea = currentScreen.WorkingArea;             if ((anchor & SnapLocation.Left) != 0)             {                 Left = workingArea.Left + AnchorDistance;             }             else if ((anchor & SnapLocation.Right) != 0)             {                 Left = workingArea.Right - AnchorDistance - Width;             }             if ((anchor & SnapLocation.Top) != 0)             {                 Top = workingArea.Top + AnchorDistance;             }             else if ((anchor & SnapLocation.Bottom) != 0)             {                 Top = workingArea.Bottom - AnchorDistance - Height;             }             _snapAnchor = anchor;         }          private bool InSnapRange(int a, int b)         {             return Math.Abs(a - b) < SnapDistance;         }          private SnapLocation FindSnap(ref Rectangle effectiveBounds)         {             Screen currentScreen = Screen.FromPoint(effectiveBounds.Location);             Rectangle workingArea = currentScreen.WorkingArea;             SnapLocation anchor = SnapLocation.None;             if (InSnapRange(effectiveBounds.Left, workingArea.Left + AnchorDistance))             {                 effectiveBounds.X = workingArea.Left + AnchorDistance;                 anchor |= SnapLocation.Left;             }             else if (InSnapRange(effectiveBounds.Right, workingArea.Right - AnchorDistance))             {                 effectiveBounds.X = workingArea.Right - AnchorDistance - effectiveBounds.Width;                 anchor |= SnapLocation.Right;             }             if (InSnapRange(effectiveBounds.Top, workingArea.Top + AnchorDistance))             {                 effectiveBounds.Y = workingArea.Top + AnchorDistance;                 anchor |= SnapLocation.Top;             }             else if (InSnapRange(effectiveBounds.Bottom, workingArea.Bottom - AnchorDistance))             {                 effectiveBounds.Y = workingArea.Bottom - AnchorDistance - effectiveBounds.Height;                 anchor |= SnapLocation.Bottom;             }             return anchor;         }          protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)         {             switch (m.Msg)             {                 case WmEnterSizeMove:                 case WmSize:                     // Need to handle window size changed as well when                     // un-maximizing the form by dragging the title bar.                     _dragOffsetX = Cursor.Position.X - Left;                     _dragOffsetY = Cursor.Position.Y - Top;                     break;                 case WmMoving:                     LtrbRectangle boundsLtrb = Marshal.PtrToStructure<LtrbRectangle>(m.LParam);                     Rectangle bounds = boundsLtrb.ToRectangle();                     // This is where the window _would_ be located if snapping                     // had not occurred. This prevents the cursor from sliding                     // off the title bar if the snap distance is too large.                     Rectangle effectiveBounds = new Rectangle(                         Cursor.Position.X - _dragOffsetX,                         Cursor.Position.Y - _dragOffsetY,                         bounds.Width,                         bounds.Height);                     _snapAnchor = FindSnap(ref effectiveBounds);                     LtrbRectangle newLtrb = LtrbRectangle.FromRectangle(effectiveBounds);                     Marshal.StructureToPtr(newLtrb, m.LParam, false);                     m.Result = new IntPtr(1);                     break;             }             base.WndProc(ref m);         }     } } 

And here's what it looks like:


like image 36
Andrew Sun Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Andrew Sun