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How to make middle div the first on smaller screen



I have 3 divs that are displayed side by side when the screen is wide:

<div class="div1"></div><div class="div2"></div><div class="div3"></div>

| div1 | div2 | div3 |

(all are just floating left)

These are working fine but when the screen gets smaller, I want them to display as:

| div2 |

| div1 | div3 |

so what was the middle div has to be pulled out and made the top div

can I do this with css?

any ideas?

like image 973
user841657 Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 09:11


1 Answers

Are you able to edit the HTML and use absolute positioning? I tend to work from smaller screen to larger screen and one option is to then use the following:


<div class="div2"></div><div class="div1"></div><div class="div3"></div>


div {
    float: left;

Then, when the screen is large enough (using mediaqueries to check): HTML stays the same


div.div1 {
    float: none;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
div.div2 {
    display: inline; /* pesky older IE */
    margin-left: "width of div.div1 (%/em/px)";
like image 84
Vivienne Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11
