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How to make Groovy / Grails return a List of objects instead of a List of Lists of objects?

I have a class like this:

class Foo {
    static hasMany = [bars: Bar]

When I write:


I get a list of Foo objects like this:

[ Foo1, Foo2, Foo3 ]

When I write:


I get a list of lists of Bar object like this:

[ [ Bar1, Bar2 ], [ Bar2, Bar3 ], [ Bar1, Bar4 ] ] 

But what I want is a unique list of Bar objects like this:

[ Bar1, Bar2, Bar3, Bar4 ]

My end goal is to have a unique list of ids of the Bar object in the list above, like this:

[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

I have tried variations of the collect method and I have also tried the spread operator but I'm not having any luck.

like image 646
ubiquibacon Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 23:06


2 Answers

For generic groovy classes (i.e. non-GORM classes), David is correct that using flatten and unique is the best way to go.

In your example though, it looks like you're using GORM domain objects in a many-to-many relationship (otherwise you wouldn't need the uniqueness constraint).

For a domain class, you're best off using either HQL or a criteria to do this in one step. An additional advantage is that the SQL generated for it is much more efficient.

Here's the HQL for getting the unique Bar ids that are related to any Foo in a many-to-many relationship:

Bar.executeQuery("select distinct b.id from Foo f join f.bars b")

The criteria for this would look like:

Foo.withCriteria {
    bars {
        projections {

One "issue" with using this kind of method is that HQL is not supported in unit tests (and likely will never be) and Criteria queries with join table projections are broken in 2.0.4 unit tests. So any tests around this code would either need to be mocked or use an integration test.

like image 178
Ted Naleid Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10

Ted Naleid

There is a Collection#collectMany method that works the same way as calling collect and then flatten. To get the list of Bar IDs, you might do:

def barIds = Foo.getAll().collectMany { it.bars*.id }

The { it.bars*.id } closure returns a list with the IDs of the Bars of a Foo (i love these placeholder names hehe), and then collectMany concatenates those lists into a single list. If you need the IDs to be unique (maybe a Bar can belong to more than one Foo), you can add a .unique() to that expression :)

like image 4
epidemian Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10
