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How to make game object transparent in unity


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How do I make terrain transparent in unity?

under the Terrain Settings, you're able to asign the material under the Setting: Material to the Terrain. now to paint Transparency to your Terrain you need to have a Transparent Image, this you asign just as normal teztures to the Terrain.

How do you hide and show game objects in unity?

Hide and Show Objects in UnityHover your mouse over a visible item, and you should see the “Visible” icon show. Move your mouse over the icon (it will highlight), and click to toggle it's status to Hidden. The item becomes Hidden, and will now show the “Hidden” icon. Click again to toggle back to Visible.

In my game I want to make the player object transparent for 2 seconds by scripting at run time if the player collided with a specific object during the game ... is it possible ?