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How to Make Entire Custom Checkbox/Div Clickable -- Not Just the Label + Input





I have custom checkboxes I styled like buttons. When you click the label or input the div around it changes color. However, only the label and input are clickable.

Is there a way to make the entire div/button clickable (i.e. everything inside the border)?

Here's my code:

div.label {  
    border:solid 1px gray;
    width: 250px;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 

label {

input[type=checkbox] {
    display: none;

input:checked + div {
    border: solid 1px red;
    color: #F00;

input:checked + div:before {
    content: "\2713";
<input id="lists[Travel]" type="checkbox" name="lists[Travel]" />
<div class="label">
    <label for="lists[Travel]">Travel</label> <br>
like image 226
amyyyyy Avatar asked Aug 15 '14 00:08


People also ask

How do I make a DIV act like a checkbox?

If you only use input[type=checkbox] in the CSS, you will apply the rule to any checkbox on the page. By using #checkboxes you only apply it to checkboxes that are in a div with id="checkboxes" .

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To make an HTML checkbox with a clickable label means the checkbox gets on/off when the label is clicked. Using the for attribute: Create a checkbox using input tag then create a label for the created checkbox using the for attribute. How to get value of selected radio button using JavaScript?

What is a checkbox in HTML?

The checkbox is shown as a square box that is ticked (checked) when activated. Checkboxes are used to let a user select one or more options of a limited number of choices. Tip: Always add the <label> tag for best accessibility practices!

Is there a way to make a checkbox look like this?

Actually you can almost do this by positioning a real checkbox over another element and giving it 0% opacity, and a height and width as necessary. However making something visual happen based on the checkbox state would rely on browser support for the ":checked" pseudo-class, which I think remains limited.

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Attach a <label> to the checkbox or radio button. Finally, wrap both the label and checkbox/radio in a <div class="cbox">. This may seem pretty confusing at first, but let us walk through section-by-section:

1 Answers

Here's a one way to achieve this:

<div onclick="this.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').click()">
  <input type="checkbox" style="pointer-events:none">

Or if you give the checkbox an id:

<div onclick="abc.click()">
  <input id="abc" type="checkbox" style="pointer-events:none">

You need pointer-events:none in this appraoch because otherwise a double-click (causing check and uncheck) happens when you click on the checkbox directly.

like image 86
2 revs Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

2 revs