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How to make datatable row or cell clickable?

I'm working on a history development of a particular user and I want it to be done with dataTables. However, I cannot find the way with which I can make my row or a particular cell clickable. I need to open separate links with the separate clicks for particular row. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance !!!

Edited:: If I click on a row, I need all the data of the row, which is not a problem. I can do that. What I need to know is to make an $.ajax() request with that particular row data. I think this will do. However, it would be great to know how to open a link in a new tab on row click.

$(document).ready(function() {      var dataSet = [          []      ];      $.ajax({          type: 'POST',          url: "webservices/view_patient_medical_history.php",          async: false,          //data: {'log_id': data},          success: function(response) {              dataSet = JSON.parse(response);          }      });        //   var dataSet_arr = jQuery.makeArray(dataSet['responseText']);        $('#patient_medical_history').DataTable({          data: dataSet,          columns: [{              title: "Patient ID",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Current Medications",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Allergies",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Diabetes",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Asthma",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Arthritis",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "High Blood Pressure",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Kidney Problem",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Liver Problem",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Heart Problem",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Other Problems",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Present Problem",              class: "center"          }, {              title: "Last Updated",              class: "center"          }],          "scrollX": true,          //"paging": false,          "info": false,          //"lengthMenu": false,          dom: 'lBfrtip',          buttons: [              'copy', 'pdf', 'print'          ]              /*"paging": false,          "info": false,           dom: 'Bfrtip',           buttons: [              'excel', 'pdf', 'print'          ]*/      });        $('th').css("white-space", "nowrap");  });
like image 609
Plabon Dutta Avatar asked Feb 22 '16 07:02

Plabon Dutta

People also ask

Does DataTable support Rowspan?

DataTables fully supports colspan and rowspan in the table's header, assigning the required order listeners to the TH element suitable for that column. Each column must have one TH cell which is unique to it for the listeners to be added.

How do I add a row to DataRow?

After you create a DataTable and define its structure using columns and constraints, you can add new rows of data to the table. To add a new row, declare a new variable as type DataRow. A new DataRow object is returned when you call the NewRow method.

Can we use DataTable with Div?

No you will not be able to do this... The core of Datatables will only work on table elements and child thead tbody tfooter tr td th elements... You will need to write your own pagination code to handle your div cards or download another plugin... jquery Datatables will not support that.

2 Answers

To activate click on cell you must use a delegated event handler - this will work on any dataTable :

$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody td', function() {    //get textContent of the TD   console.log('TD cell textContent : ', this.textContent)    //get the value of the TD using the API    console.log('value by API : ', table.cell({ row: this.parentNode.rowIndex, column : this.cellIndex }).data()); }) 

Retrieving data of a clicked row can be done by

$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {   console.log('API row values : ', table.row(this).data()); }) 

If you want to send row content via AJAX you should transform the array to an object, and then include it as data :

$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {   var data = table.row(this).data().map(function(item, index) {      var r = {}; r['col'+index]=item; return r;   })   //now use AJAX with data, which is on the form [ { col1 : value, col2: value ..}]   $.ajax({     data: data,     url: url,     success: function(response) {        ...     } }) 

If you just want a plain link in a cell with target: _blank you can use render :

columns: [   { title: "Patient ID", class: "center", render: function(data, type, full, meta) {      return '<a href="showdata/id?'+data+'" target=_blank>Show patient</a>'   } }, 
like image 176
davidkonrad Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09


First make sure you change the code of your dataTable initialization to save into a variable like this

var oPatientMedicalHistory = $('#patient_medical_history').DataTable({    //your stuff }); 

Then you can assign a click event to all the rows like this

EDIT: As Pointed out by Gyrocode.com, we should use delegated event handler as the tr's are created dynamically as we page. So The code should look like.

$('#patient_medical_history tbody').on('dblclick','tr', function() {     var currentRowData = oPatientMedicalHistory.row(this).data();     // alert(currentRowData[0]) // wil give you the value of this clicked row and first index (td)     //your stuff goes here }); 

This must help you out.

like image 24
Rajshekar Reddy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Rajshekar Reddy