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How to make custom text use the Inline Translation tool in Magento Enterprise

I've created a piece of text in a Magento Template, and the inline translation tool is turned on and working fine, but when I visit the page with my custom text, it seems to ignore that it's translatable (no book icon and dotted red border).

So here's what I have (approx):

<div class="foo">
    <?php echo $this->__('My custom Text'); ?>

Which renders fine, and if I edit the relevant CSV file, it changes appropriately.

Is there any way to "add" this to the translation tool's eyeline?

Thanks in advance!

like image 890
theZenPebble Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 08:12


1 Answers

OK, Managed to find the problem - so for anybody that wants to use the inline translation stuff, do:

<div class="foo">
        <?php echo $this->__('My custom Text'); ?>

There's a list of allowed translatable inline tags on line #87 of app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Translate/Inline.php ("_allowedTagsSimple"). Enabling divs here is madness itself, but wrapping in spans should be generally quite safe.

like image 149
theZenPebble Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 05:01
