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How to make Bootstrap 3 tooltip follow mouse?

I have a list of links on my site that are showing images in a Bootstrap tooltip

<a data-html="true" data-toggle="tooltip" title="<img src='1.png' />">Item 1</a>
<a data-html="true" data-toggle="tooltip" title="<img src='2.png' />">Item 2</a>
<a data-html="true" data-toggle="tooltip" title="<img src='3.png' />">Item 3</a>

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {
            placement: "right"


This just brings up the tooltip to the right of all the links. The images are static though, I'd like the tooltip image to move around as the user moves their mouse around.

You can see an example of what I want to do on this site: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/381677-druidereno. On the right sidebar, there's a list of cards you can hover over, and the tooltip images follow the mouse movement. Doesn't look like they use Bootstrap, I just want to emulate the functionality.

I don't see anything to do this in the Bootstrap functionality: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tooltips

Anyone know how I can do this?

like image 737
Steven Avatar asked Dec 02 '15 03:12


People also ask

How do I use Bootstrap 3 tooltip?

How To Create a Tooltip. To create a tooltip, add the data-toggle="tooltip" attribute to an element. Note: Tooltips must be initialized with jQuery: select the specified element and call the tooltip() method.

How do I change the tooltip position in bootstrap?

How to position the tooltip - auto | top | bottom | left | right. When auto is specified, it will dynamically reorient the tooltip. When a function is used to determine the placement, it is called with the tooltip DOM node as its first argument and the triggering element DOM node as its second.

How do you set a tooltip position?

The tooltip text is placed inside an inline element (like <span>) with class="tooltiptext" . CSS: The tooltip class use position:relative , which is needed to position the tooltip text ( position:absolute ). Note: See examples below on how to position the tooltip.

How do I show the tooltip on the right side?

Here is how to do it with position: absolute and relative . On the container, set position: relative , and display: table (shrink to fit). For the position: absolute tooltip, set top: 0 , and left: 100% (moves to the right edge of the relative container).

2 Answers

You cannot do that natively in bootstrap. But you can easily mimick the behaviour by using a "proxy element". The trick is to attach the image tooltip to a second element and then update that elements position according to the mouse position when you move the mouse cursor around inside the image.

An image :

<img id="img" src="https://static.pexels.com/photos/6555/nature-sunset-person-woman-large.jpg" />

A proxy element, here an <i> tag with trigger: manual :

<i id="img-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Tooltip for image" data-animation="false" data-trigger="manual"/>

Set the proxy elements position to absolute so it can be moved around anywhere :

#img-tooltip {
  position: absolute;

Finally update the proxys position and show the tooltip when you move the mouse cursor around inside the image :

$("#img").on('mousemove', function(e) {
  $("#img-tooltip").css({top: e.pageY, left: e.pageX });
$("#img").on('mouseleave', function(e) {

demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/h2dL07ns/

Updated demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/h2dL07ns/324/ using @Marks's pointer-events: none; suggestion. It removes any occasional flickering.

like image 50
davidkonrad Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10


enhanced davickon answer for multiple images

$(".img").on('mousemove', function(e) {

  $("#" + $(this).attr("TooltipId")).css({
    top: e.pageY,
    left: e.pageX

  $("#" + $(this).attr("TooltipId")).tooltip('show');
    "background-color": $(this).attr("TooltipBackround")
  var a = ($("#" + $(this).attr("TooltipId")).attr("data-placement") != "") ? $("#" + $(this).attr("TooltipId")).attr("data-placement") : "top";
  $(".tooltip-arrow").css("border-" + a + "-color", $(this).attr("TooltipBackround"));

$(".img").on('mouseleave', function(e) {
  $("#" + $(this).attr("TooltipId")).tooltip('hide')
.img-tooltip {
  position: absolute;
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<img class="img" src="https://static.pexels.com/photos/6555/nature-sunset-person-woman-large.jpg" TooltipBackround="green" TooltipId="img-tooltip1" />
<i id="img-tooltip1" class="img-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" data-placement="right" title="Tooltip for image <h1>Faizan</h1>" data-animation="false" data-trigger="manual"></i>

<img class="img" src="https://static.pexels.com/photos/6555/nature-sunset-person-woman-large.jpg" TooltipBackround="blue" TooltipId="img-tooltip2" />
<i id="img-tooltip2" class="img-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" data-placement="right" data-animation="false" data-trigger="manual" title="Tooltip for image <h1>Faizan Anwer</h1>"></i>
like image 43
Faizan Anwer Ali Rupani Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10

Faizan Anwer Ali Rupani